Mass Car Keying

4 Feb 2003
West Midlands
So, having returned from my little adventure this morning of meeting some of the guys at the cheshire meet, me and the gf go to the shop to get some sweets. I walked out of my private road onto a residential street with cars parked either side all the way down. This is, for those who know Chichester Street in Chester, aka student street. As we walked down I noticed something. Every car had been keyed, all down the entire side. Every car. All really deep and fresh (paint powder was still either side of the scratch). All the way to the shop every car had been done. All in all, about 30 cars. I feel really sorry for these people and I can only thank my lucky stars that I live just off this street. I really have no idea why these cars were done, jealous *****.
16 Oct 2005
one day i wish for some scrote to try this on a car with someone in it.

Picture there head being kicked in, haha.

in certain things in life this cause of action is the only way to teach scrotes a new meaning of respecting other peoples property.
10 Feb 2004
Crewe, UK
Nathan said:
So, having returned from my little adventure this morning of meeting some of the guys at the cheshire meet, me and the gf go to the shop to get some sweets. I walked out of my private road onto a residential street with cars parked either side all the way down. This is, for those who know Chichester Street in Chester, aka student street. As we walked down I noticed something. Every car had been keyed, all down the entire side. Every car. All really deep and fresh (paint powder was still either side of the scratch). All the way to the shop every car had been done. All in all, about 30 cars. I feel really sorry for these people and I can only thank my lucky stars that I live just off this street. I really have no idea why these cars were done, jealous *****.

Jesus thats just round the corner from me!

It is studentville to be honest, although I have never seen any criminal damage done round there.

9 Aug 2004
Milton Keynes
ScoobyDoo69 said:
do you run over people who walk in the road? no...

I let them know my feelings

ScoobyDoo69 said:
just because someone had to park a bit on the pavement, as you see everywhere, does not give ANYONE the right to scratch a car.

You dont have to park on the pavement, if there isnt enough room park elsewhere pretty simple. Okay keying is a little ott but i occasionaly mark cars when walking as;

main road + double buggy VS pavement and a few accidental marks
9 Apr 2004
Nr. brumijum
titchard said:
Jesus thats just round the corner from me!

It is studentville to be honest, although I have never seen any criminal damage done round there.


I don't get you?. Students arent generally into that kind of thing.. The student is in the most part the arch nemesis of the chav.
11 Apr 2004
My car didn't get keyed, but I got back to my dads' after the meet today (sorry I didn't talk to you much Nathan) and one of his neighbours came to the door about 40 minutes later.

My Dad went outside and when I looked out of the window, I saw him walking around my car. I feared the worst (had left my head unit fascia on) and went outside to see what had happened.

Turned out the neighbour had come out of her house to see several kids crouched down next to my car messing about with my wheels... to nick my plastic dust caps :rolleyes:

Now, being the over-protective guy that I am, I grabbed my keys and set out to see if I could spot the little *****. Within 2 minutes I came across a group of lads walking down the street, some on bikes... they must have been about 12.

I stopped, questionned them and they denied everything. Drove off and saw some of my mates and asked them if they'd seen anything. I mentioned the people I'd just spoken to and they said they'd go and check it out. I followed them (they were on bikes) back to the group and one of my mates questionned the kids.

I jumped out the car only to find one of the little scrotes had a handful of plastic dust caps!!! *****!
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