Mass Effect preference and genre preference (possible poll?)

9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
So ME1 and ME2 are both highly regarded and highly discussed, but people always have a clear preference to one.

I'm thinking it is pretty much linked to the individuals general game genre preference, but want to test this out.

So, I pose the question, "Which of the 2 ME games did you enjoy more?"

This is not to say the one you enjoyed less was bad, just that the other hit more right notes for you personally.


1) Preferred ME1, and have a general preference for RPGs.
2) Preferred ME1, and have a general preference for FPS.
3) Preferred ME2, and have a general preference for RPGs.
4) Preferred ME2, and have a general preference for FPS.
Answer is easy enough for me:

1) Preferred ME1, and have a general preference for RPGs.

Though i'm currently enjoying ME2 a great deal, not finding it as immersive as 1
I'm a mixture of options 3 and 4, which I guess is why I love games like Fallout 3/New Vegas so much. In terms of Mass Effect, though, I definitely preferred the second one.
4 and 1

liked story and combat in me 2

liked story and combat in me 1 also enjoyed the customizable ammo mods etc for guns. wish they brought that into me2.
I liked both, possible option for both?

This. I enjoyed both. Both had things that were better/worse than the other, but on the whole both were excellent games.

I also like RPG's and FPS, so...
FFS, I clearly stated that you can enjoy both games! :p

If you had to pick one, which would you say was your preferred?
Prefered 1 and more interested in RPG side. Let down for me in ME2 was the amount of time spent recruiting your team, to do so little with them in the end. Still a great game though
I couldn't choose, I enjoyed them equally.

I prefer the storyline of ME, but I enjoyed the combat of ME2 more.

Both have excellent music and visuals.

Quests and NPC interaction was great on both.

In my mind they are on equal footing.

Though if I had a gun to my head I guess i'd go with ME, just because of the superb storyline.
Both were great but for different reasons. 1 was the better RPG in a classic Bioware style. 2 had vastly superior combat. The biggest let-downs in 2 for me were:

1: No Mako and planet-surface missions. Yeah, they were a bit rubbish but I had high-hopes for these in 2.

2: Limited weapon selection. Seriously... Would a few more guns have hurt?
I couldn't choose, I enjoyed them equally.

I prefer the storyline of ME, but I enjoyed the combat of ME2 more.

Both have excellent music and visuals.

Quests and NPC interaction was great on both.

In my mind they are on equal footing.

Though if I had a gun to my head I guess i'd go with ME, just because of the superb storyline.

I agree with this....although, the picture you see at the end of ME2 does put the games storyline into perspective, it was quite a chilling glimpse of what's to come in ME3
ME1 for me. I have no preference between FPS\RPG they are both my main type of games i play.

ME2 i felt a touch disapointed with, the story felt like it was more about helping out your team members rather then engaging in a save the universe storyline like in ME1.

Still, both games are fantastic and if you like one you will more then likely love the other.
Mass Effect 2 was too much like a third person cover shooter for my liking (which all the games seem to be nowadays). If ME3 follows this path & ignores the story they've set up, it'll be a serious disappointment. If not, then the ME series will go down as one of the greatest game series of all time (imo).
As I've said elsewhere, I enjoy FPS and RPG, but lean more towards RPGs and thus enjoyed ME1 more.
The story, and RPG elements were more developed, whereas despite being a good game, ME2 was a little too far towards a shooter for me, the RPG elements were trimmed back too far (although they need improving from 1 too...more unique/useful equipment that isn't just I-X, with half the suits being cack and never used anyway)
Option 1 for me. ME1 was a better RPG. ME2 was a better shooter.

The problems I had with ME2 was the lack of RPG elements, the storyline was more of the Blues Brothers 'getting the band back together' than a mystery like the first game, and the fact that most of the missions were based around a pattern that became all too predictable after you'd played it through for a bit.

My biggest beef is that the cover mechanics dictated the level layouts so you always knew when you were about to be ambushed because there'd be loads of waist high boxes/rocks/walls arranged conveniently around the level.
1) Preferred ME1, and have a general preference for RPGs.

However, both of the above points only really apply for a small number of playthroughs of the game. In general for fps/tps, I can play through them many more times than an rpg. All rpgs contain some form of grinding, which reduces the fun factor when replaying them, whereas fps/tps don't suffer as much.
For example I have played through ME2 many more times than ME1, because the combat and gameplay are more fun, but in any case I prefer ME1.

I hope that made some sense.
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