McCanns going too far?

what? being realistic? she is probably dead, oh dear. Loads of kids die every year but it isn't rammed down our throats. It's this massive media circus that's made me not care.

Exactly - I don't care either really. I think this whole case should be studied by psychology students to see how media saturation can desensitise us to caring about the very things they feature.

Do I hope she's alive? I don't think there is any hope.
your Quote
But what's the point in even speculating? We don't know all the facts so it's idiotic.

then your next...
then point to all the other cases, where the kid is raped and killed within a few hours.

Are you a parent?
what? being realistic? she is probably dead, oh dear. Loads of kids die every year but it isn't rammed down our throats. It's this massive media circus that's made me not care.

I hope not..... Media circus, yes.... But if they are genuine, would you blame them for trying.....
Who saw Maddy before she went missing? she could have went missing 24hrs earlier for all we know, and the night she went missing was just a smokescreen?

She was at the park creché all afternoon until 6pm that day when the parents picked her up, she was then with them until 8:30pm, which is when Kate and Gerrie went out for dinner.
She was at the park creché all afternoon until 6pm that day when the parents picked her up, she was then with them until 8:30pm, which is when Kate and Gerrie went out for dinner.

I do wonder why parents go on a family holiday and put their children in childcare all day :(
The McCanns in trying to find out what/ has or is happening to their child..... getting closure being for the better or worse. Going on the theory they didnt have anything to do with the child abduction (taking outwith their responsibilties for childcare on holiday, which I found most unhealthy) I would do everything in my power to do what they did, get maxium exporsue in finding her.
A doctor and a heart consultant can afford great childcare. It wasn't even one child they left while they nipped out for something urgent. They went out on a selfish whim, they do not get my full pity. The fact they are doctors makes me think that their idea was to use sedatives instead of paying for childcare. As doctors they have trust in science and drugs, they trusted them, so they could have a night out and things went wrong. Rather than face the truth and ruin their careers, they decided to cover it all up in a big media sham. Please find Maddy! If they are guilty, which I think they are, then they are truly sick people.
Nothing wrong with that... its why Holiday companies have kids clubs etc.

I couldn't wait to go to the club every day when I was little and on holiday... I was about 6 though

Imho family holidays are ones where the children spend their days with their parents. I'm sure the children enjoy the clubs but I bet they'd enjoy time with their parents more, doing things and being taken places. Who is the holiday for after all? If just for the parents then just leave the children with a nanny. I love spending time with my children and any holiday we have involves them wholeheartedly, so we take holidays suitable for them.
Your trying to live your youth without kids being in the way. Once you have kids, its a different experience and JodieG couldnt have put it better. I dont praise the McCanns for their behaviour on the night in question, but I love my Daughter and would love for her to be in my holiday, not just out the way. But we are not all the same :(
we can all speculate with little or no evidence

my bit of speculation is concerning the checks that were made.

Mr McCann checked at 9.00 then 9.15 a friend checked on her way back she then saw a suspicious man with a child. now if you see something like that after just checking on 3 kids alone what do you do?

go back and recheck?

return to the table and say what you saw?

return to the table and say nothing then wait until Mrs McCann checks 45 mins later. like i say the police have told us nothing so any news is hearsay and can't be trusted. still if these were the events shouldn't they be reinterviewing that woman?

i for one couldn't leavemy boy even 50 yards away sleeping in a foreign country but if i did and someone came back to the table and said she seen a man near our appartment with a boy i'd be sprinting over to the flat.

the whole scene doesn't make any sense at all and i think it'll be months or even years before we know what happened
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