McCanns going too far?

Probably nothing in it but I find it strange how yesterday they were insistent they wanted to stay in Portugal and clear their names.

But thats changed to them returning to the UK later today.

I don't think we will ever find out what happened for sure. The Police don't seem to have enough to charge them, yet they have got them out of their hair which I believe is a big relief to their tourist industry.

The McCann's can now play the "we were being framed" card from now on. Like someone said before it will just become another "dingo stole my baby".
Probably nothing in it but I find it strange how yesterday they were insistent they wanted to stay in Portugal and clear their names.

For the 600th time in this thread. They informed the police they wanted to come back to England, before the interviews.
Since they have become suspects, they said they will stay in Portugal.
Whats with everyone criticising them for wanting to return home?

If its not bad enough they have lost their daughter they are now being made to look like murderers by the press over in portugal.

Is it any surprise they want to return home where they feel safe with the rest of their family and friends.

Too many armchair detectives in this thread imo
Whats with everyone criticising them for wanting to return home?

If its not bad enough they have lost their daughter they are now being made to look like murderers by the press over in portugal.

Is it any surprise they want to return home where they feel safe with the rest of their family and friends.

Too many armchair detectives in this thread imo

Or too many people who see through their charade and have done from the start.

As for criticising them for coming home, it's probably the statement yesterday that they were staying, followed by the statement today that they are running away... Do they know the game is up? If the game really is up, will they give the money back to those who fell for their lies (if indeed they are lies)?
If the portugese police had such strong evidence that the Mccanns did it then they wouldnt be allowing them to leave the country.

You dont allow murder suspects to leave a country :)

The whole thing is a shambles. The hire car they were still using up until this morning supposedly contained madeleins blood, well if thats the case why hasnt it been seized to be kept in evidence instead of continuing to allow them to use it
You dont allow murder suspects to leave a country :)

Because they are not ( yet) murders suspects:)

they are suspects of the disapereance of their daughter, and her death could happened by accident (manslaughter) and the PJ have not strong evidences of it,but some justified doubts about their roles in the case

for example the traces of blood in the car and in the clothes ,and more intriguing the smell of a dead body all over the place ( in the apartment, in the car they rented after the child disapearence, in the mothers cloths even in the little Maddie puppet who Kate Mccann used to carry around)

that if you believe in the nose of that special trained English dog,of course:)

Edit - it was not blood the PJ found( and sended to the Birmingham Lab) under the carpet floor of the Renault Scenic they rented, but bodily fluids, who match in 80% a DNA of the little Maddie
a small "nuance" ,from what some newspapers are saying- but very significant IMO
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LMFAO, but all those people are forming that view from hearsay and trashy newspaper articles. Only the police have all the evidence, stop assuming guilt based on "a feeling."

Innocent until proven guilty is one of the most important things imo, why discard it because a story is emotive?

Statistically (as I said a long time ago), parents and guardians are the most likely people to kill a specific child, stranger abductions are very rare.

As for innocent until proven guilty, suspecting a statistically likely (and bizarrely behaving) suspect doesn't violate that. My comments did actually have caveats that you have removed regarding whether or not the whole thing is a sham, and I was questioning what would happen if they have indeed lied about the whole thing...

The police do have all the evidence, and they have enough to suspect the parents...
If the portugese police had such strong evidence that the Mccanns did it then they wouldnt be allowing them to leave the country.

You dont allow murder suspects to leave a country :)

The whole thing is a shambles. The hire car they were still using up until this morning supposedly contained madeleins blood, well if thats the case why hasnt it been seized to be kept in evidence instead of continuing to allow them to use it

We have an excellent extradition treaty with portugal, so there is no worry from their point of view in letting them go, they'll easily get them back if they have enough evidence to charge them.
Stil think they are being fitted up because the police need closeure and are being heavily critisized for not having any more information.

There was something on the news the other day about a portugese woman who many believe still until this day that she was fitted up for the murder of her son who disappeared. Even the father says she was fitted up.

The man leading the investigation into the Mccanns also beat up the woman who is now serving life for her sons murder. He beat her up doing the interrogation.

A lot are saying he shouldnt still be in the job let alone leading an investigation.
We have an excellent extradition treaty with portugal, so there is no worry from their point of view in letting them go, they'll easily get them back if they have enough evidence to charge them.
Let's hope that they're not gonna be transferring off their plane from Portugal straight on to a plane to Mexico! :eek:
Stil think they are being fitted up because the police need closeure and are being heavily critisized for not having any more information.

There was something on the news the other day about a portugese woman who many believe still until this day that she was fitted up for the murder of her son who disappeared. Even the father says she was fitted up.

The man leading the investigation into the Mccanns also beat up the woman who is now serving life for her sons murder. He beat her up doing the interrogation.

A lot are saying he shouldnt still be in the job let alone leading an investigation.

that´s a completely diferent case:D
that woman is in jail ,she got twenty five years (maximum penality here for any crime ) for the murder and disaperenace of the dead body ,sex abuse for a continued period of the time, of their 9 years old daugther
that crime is comitted by her and her brother ( uncle of the little girl) ,and they both ( mother and uncle) have sex with the little girl and are lovers between them, that inside of that womans home ( house of horrors):mad:

and the man who says still believe she is framed ,is not the father of the child ( she is a single woman with several kids from diferent fathers), but he is a man who live with her, in the same house where that things happend,and he is a poor man who belives in everithingh she said

if you ever have seen the film ""Brutti, Sporchi e Cattivi" ( Ugly, Dirty and Bad)from Ettore Scola ,then you could have an aproximated "portrait" of that miserable family, who you have made reference
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Interestingly, the plea deal thing is a load of rubbish - there aren't any plea bargains allowed under Portuguese law.

"Portuguese police, meanwhile, last night described as 'absolutely absurd' reports that Kate McCann was offered a plea bargain during questioning should she admit to the accidental death of her daughter.

The McCanns' Portuguese lawyer, Carlos Pinto de Abreu, said that the reports were due to a 'misunderstanding' that had arisen during questioning. ",,2165457,00.html
Interestingly, the plea deal thing is a load of rubbish - there aren't any plea bargains allowed under Portuguese law.

"Portuguese police, meanwhile, last night described as 'absolutely absurd' reports that Kate McCann was offered a plea bargain during questioning should she admit to the accidental death of her daughter.

The McCanns' Portuguese lawyer, Carlos Pinto de Abreu, said that the reports were due to a 'misunderstanding' that had arisen during questioning. ",,2165457,00.html

She has been totally owned there.

It is almost like they have become careless with what they are saying over the last week.
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