McCanns going too far?

If its not bad enough they have lost their daughter they are now being made to look like murderers by the press over in portugal.
Through Parental negligence. The poor child is most likely dead because of her parents.

As a parent i find their actions unforgivable
Don't believe anything you read in the papers. Just two personal stories I have known in a local newspaper have missed the mark by a long shot. They never get the facts right.
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According to the news last night, under Portugal's bizarre legal system, official suspects are allowed to leave the country for a maximum of 5 days - they can even leave for longer with a judge's permission.
they haven't be taken to court to be put on bail, which to me speaks volumes. If they had hard evidence like blood in the car, they would be on bail.
They've certainly not appeared very emotional like I would believe a parent would be, although I can only go by videos and pictures published by the media.

As for coming home and Gerry saying he they didn't play any part in their daughters disappearance, well he couldn't be more wrong.
They`d get my sympathy if they just came out and admitted they made a mistake that night and they shouldnt of left the kid alone but instead alls they come out with is they did no wrong and are great parents.

Ive just seen the interview he gave at the airport asking for privacy and such and wanting to have a normal upbringing for their kids but thanks to them this will never happen now,they brought it all on themselves.
They've certainly not appeared very emotional like I would believe a parent would be, although I can only go by videos and pictures published by the media.

You do realise that that a large part of upper-middle class upbringing involves not showing emotion, don't you? This is England, no the Middle East, so tearing of hair and wailing is considered to be too OTT. Given their backgrounds, overt shows of emotion were ever going to be on the cards, whether guilty or not. Although if they'd realised that everyone was going to assume that they were guilty because they weren't doing a Gazza, then I'm sure they'd have tried a bit harder for some tears.

Just out of interest, if everything in the case had taken place in the UK, how many would be so sure of the parents innocence?
We would have had a lot more information, so we could make an educated guess. There's been very little actual information, just media hype. There taking a lot of flak over no evidence.
All i can say is that if they DID have strong evidence of wrongdoing then they would have been arrested and certainly not allowed to leave the country.

Seems they merely had questions to ask that couldnt be asked without the status of suspect being invoked.

Do you honestly think that she ( the mum ) could have hidden the child's body so well it hasnt been found, so close because the timing requires it, and then MOVED the body in a car and dumped it somewhere else while under the closest scrutiny by the police AND media? this woman hasnt been able to blow her nose without the press seeing it.
What are the chances that the abductor used the car before they had it? It was a hire car after all in a smallish town.

Either that or the Portuguese police are so fed up of the case that their trying to pin it to the most likely suspect.
What are the chances that the abductor used the car before they had it? It was a hire car after all in a smallish town.

Either that or the Portuguese police are so fed up of the case that their trying to pin it to the most likely suspect.

Or the portuguese are right and a large number of people have been had...

If you're going to go through the options, make sure to cover them all ;)
What are the chances that the abductor used the car before they had it? It was a hire car after all in a smallish town.

Either that or the Portuguese police are so fed up of the case that their trying to pin it to the most likely suspect.

so you rekon she was abducted?
Remember: One blonde white middle class girl is worth 100,000 African children :rolleyes:

Hundreds of thousands die because they are forced to live appalling conditions and hundreds die in wars, yet people seem to think one girl is more important than the thousands...


People go missing or die every die. Why is this girl more important than the rest?
I see people putting up posters for her, though I never see them do the same for the hundreds of thousands raped,murdered, dead from hunger kids around the world.

Ok, am sorry for what happened to the child (if indeed she got kidnapped) but at the end of the day so what? Life has it that certain people will die,get lost etc. Shall we fill the news with every single thing that goes wrong?
How about we fill the news with every single thing that goes right? Then we shall see if we begin to change humanity for the better because right now we are on a downhill slop and our attention is constantly on what is wrong.

As for the McCanns i begin to think that they are a bunch of ******.
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People go missing or die every die. Why is this girl more important than the rest?
I see people putting up posters for her, though I never see them do the same for the hundreds of thousands raped,murdered, dead from hunger kids around the world.

Ok, am sorry for what happened to the child (if indeed she got kidnapped) but at the end of the day so what? Life has it that certain people will die,get lost etc. Shall we fill the news with every single thing that goes wrong?
How about we fill the news with every single thing that goes right? Then we shall see if we begin to change humanity for the better because right now we are on a downhill slop and our attention is constantly on what is wrong.

As for the McCanns i begin to think that they are a bunch of *****.

Edit your language.

Personally I think it's because people can relate to this more than situations in other parts of the world, more than us not understanding the problems there
You do realise that that a large part of upper-middle class upbringing involves not showing emotion, don't you? This is England, no the Middle East, so tearing of hair and wailing is considered to be too OTT. Given their backgrounds, overt shows of emotion were ever going to be on the cards, whether guilty or not. Although if they'd realised that everyone was going to assume that they were guilty because they weren't doing a Gazza, then I'm sure they'd have tried a bit harder for some tears.


They're human beings, not robots. Reading BBC news it appears Kate has broken down a few times, and has also said she couldn't believe she thought that leaving the children alone was the right thing to do at the time.
Personally I think it's because people can relate to this more than situations in other parts of the world, more than us not understanding the problems there

Personally i'm not emotionally affected about Madeleine or anyone else who gets lost. If i begin to get worried for every single bad thing that takes place ill die young from depression. These things happen and will continue to happen regardless of my and anyone else opinion about it. My being upset and worried about it doesn't make a difference. What makes a difference is what you do not what you believe or feel about something. There is a fine line between caring and being a muppet.
I don't like kidnapping and I want it to stop, however I won't begin to abuse myself with sadness every time something goes wrong and my not doing so doesn't mean that am an animal who doesn't care. Being sad doesn't necessarly prove that you care about something either.

Given the uncivillized level that humanity currently is I don't see how these things will ever stop happening.
Just out of interest, if everything in the case had taken place in the UK, how many would be so sure of the parents innocence?

As AcidHell points out, if this had happened in the UK things would have been a lot different. All things being equal, I don't really see where this happened of being much significance.

According to today's Sunday Times, sources inside the forensic lab which analysed the DNA samples in the car, said that they were very surprised that the evidence they gave back to the Portuguese police led to the McCann's being made suspects.
People go missing or die every die. Why is this girl more important than the rest?
I see people putting up posters for her, though I never see them do the same for the hundreds of thousands raped,murdered, dead from hunger kids around the world.

Imagine, the British media being concerned about an assumed abducted little British girl. Who would have thought it? :rolleyes:
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