McCanns going too far?

Personally from the start I felt there was more behind this than was let in most news stories.

They are to blame to a large extent..IMO...they left their child alone while they went for dinner. It does not matter if that was in the next building or across the road, they left her alone in a foreign country.

They seemed to calm on their first TV apperance, I can understand the father being calm but the mum would normally be in a state of shock and even hysteria, just calling out to her child and people that abducted her.

Now they have been named as suspects and decided all of a sudden to leave the country, well that makes me wonder why, have they got something ti hide.

As a parent I would travel the entire world to look for my child....but then again I would not be stupid enough to have left my kid alone whle I go out and enjoy myself. Maybe we all just deal with things differently.

Mr and Mrs M you have both let down your daughter and must take that to your grave, I hope you suffer inside for your stupidity. I hope that she is alive and will be returned safely and unharmed but if she is dead I pray that she did not suffer and was not subjected to what some monsters do to children.
According to today's Sunday Times, sources inside the forensic lab which analysed the DNA samples in the car, said that they were very surprised that the evidence they gave back to the Portuguese police led to the McCann's being made suspects.

The Sunday Times is almost certainly lying, because no-one in the lab involved (the FSS lab in Birmingham) would tell them a thing. For a start, they just don't, and for a second, it's a sackable offence. One of my colleagues got a six week suspension for telling his mother that he was working on a certain high-profile case at the time. No information about it, just that he was working on it. Any small financial reward for the information would be wiped out by the fact that they would never get another job in forensics in any country.

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My wife is a psychologist and stated that their reaction could be a normal reaction, they are in shock and showing no feelings or emotions due them being in shock. Also the trauma of loosing their child could also be a factor in showing little or no emotion.

This could last for a day, a week, a month a year or even longer. It will be different in all cases. There is also a feeling or showing of denial of what happened.

However in this case she feels there was no denial to what happened because they have been discussing it openly in public and talking about what happened.
What was the time span of them coming back to their apartment after the meal and alerting anyone of the dissapearance? Would they have had time to move a body? Seems kinda far fetched though.
What was the time span of them coming back to their apartment after the meal and alerting anyone of the dissapearance? Would they have had time to move a body? Seems kinda far fetched though.

According to a neighbour (a Mrs Fenn) around 40mins.

Mrs Fenn also had this to say:

Mrs Fenn also told detectives two days before Madeleine disappeared that the youngster had kept neighbours awake desperately screaming for her father until nearly midnight.

She heard the youngster shouting “Dad” from 10.30pm until 11.45pm and added she was shocked such a young child had been left apparently alone for so long late at night.

Model parents. :rolleyes:
So in theory, they would have had time to move the body elsewhere for disposal later? If these theories that her death was an accident turn out to be true, how did they both remain so level headed to formulate a plan?
Well, there is the small possibility that they didn't have anything to do with her disappearance - is everyone forgetting this? The couple is going through what is possibly the worst rut one could ever get into, and all the world can think of doing is pointing the finger at them and making accusations or speculation about murder.

Sad state of society to be honest.
He (the dad) was just on News 24.....

"blah blah blah I'd like to say we played no part in blah blah blah"

YES YOU ******* DID YOU ******* ******* PARENTS. YOU ABANDONED YOUR THREE CHILDREN! That is playing *a* part you stupid moron.

May God forgive them (a figure of speech if you're not religious)
I read this quote on the BBC News website ... "At East Midlands Airport, an emotional Gerry McCann said they had returned for the sake of their twins and he appealed for their privacy to be respected"

I'm sorry, but what the hell?! They want their privacy to be respected? .... Surely they should not have been so happy to suck up the limelight as much as they did then.

You couldn't turn on the news without hearing about how they had visited the Pope, or visited some tibetan monastery, opened a centre for wild dolphins etc ....


P.S. There is raising awareness for your missing child, then there is blagging free holidays and crusing all around the world and generally just taking the michael imho.
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