McCanns going too far?

Nice way to misrepresent facts there fella :rolleyes:

Thousands of children might go missing every year, but how many of them are 3 year olds who are presumed abducted?

Unless you know that your self what case do you have here?

Because the parents made sure the media new and followed them, to raise the chances of her being found. Who doesn't know the face of madaline? It was a very very clever thing for the parents to do. Assuming there innocent.

Suppose so, It's worked anyway
But you are the one suggesting it isn't true, calling for proof, without providing any evidence of your claims..

Nope, I even acknowledged that it was a fact. What I don't accept is that missing is the same as abducted, from what I've read about the subject, almost all missing children in the UK are runaway teenagers. A tragic statistic, but its not the same thing as whats happened to Maddy.

Tefal said:
sure there are, there are probably quite a few hundred thousand abductions a year, just most aren't reported as they happen so often in places like Africa.

In the MWWS wiki link I posted, there are quite a few cases of missing white women/girls that I've never heard of. Why? Because they happened a different country. Why is it so hard for you to understand that the British media will concentrate on British cases?
they probably realised that if they stay in portugal and are arrested it will be a lot harder to find care for their kids. The remaining kids should have been brought home ages ago for some normality to return, at least now they are home they can go to relatives if the parents are wanted for more questioning. Also, if as they claim, the Portugese police are trying to frame them, then of course they'd come home. I certainly would, I wouldn't stay somewhere where I was trying to be stitched up. I don't think you can read anything into that at all tbh.
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