McCanns going too far?

It has though, the news of her has spread and her face is recognised by billions. The chances of her being found has thus been increased.

For what? It's done nothing. She's not been found. Everyone in the entire world could know her face, it's still not done anything for them has it?
[TW]Fox;10066046 said:
For what? It's done nothing. She's not been found. Everyone in the entire world could know her face, it's still not done anything for them has it?
But it's increased the chances by a lot, what more do you want?
Nice way to misrepresent facts there fella :rolleyes:

Thousands of children might go missing every year, but how many of them are 3 year olds who are presumed abducted?

Here you seem to be saying that this doesn't happen often , but now you seem to be saying it does :confused:

Also wth did my post have to do with her nationality i was just saying that lots of little girls get abducted.
Here you seem to be saying that this doesn't happen often , but now you seem to be saying it does :confused:

Also wth did my post have to do with her nationality i was just saying that lots of little girls get abducted.

Maybe in other countrys but it's a rare thing for English children to be abducted. Thus the news interest, juts like the little girl abducted from her bath when the parents where in the next room.
Maybe in other countrys but it's a rare thing for English children to be abducted. Thus the news interest, juts like the little girl abducted from her bath when the parents where in the next room.

I was wondering if anyone would remember that case, because it kinda undermines all those people claiming this was all the parents fault (assuming they are innocent) for leaving the kids unattended.

Here you seem to be saying that this doesn't happen often , but now you seem to be saying it does :confused:

Also wth did my post have to do with her nationality i was just saying that lots of little girls get abducted.

A child (by legal definition) going missing does happen often, sadly. A child being abducted doesn't happen often. Hope that clears it up for you.

You're the one who mentioned Africa.
I was wondering if anyone would remember that case, because it kinda undermines all those people claiming this was all the parents fault (assuming they are innocent) for leaving the kids unattended.


No it doesn't at all, it simply shows that even when you're careful you are not completely safe. Using that logic you could say that it's not worth using traffic lights since occasionally reckless drivers will jump them and hit pedestrians anyway.

Who knows why the parents left their kids alone for the evening whilst they went out. Either it was crap parenting or else something more sinister. I don't see why they haven't got child psychologists or whoever to ask the toddlers what happened.
Interesting that they allegedly managed to do this under the noses of the Portugese police and the eyes of the media. The Portugese police come out of this looking stupid eitherway. Stupid because they're lying to save their embarrassment or stupid because they didn't keep a closer eye on the McCanns if they did it. The parents/family members will always be prime suspects in a case like this until eliminated, so if the Portugese police were 'doing everything they could' as they claimed at the time, they should have been under far too much scrutiny to get away with something like this.

I didn't think the Portuguese police were allowed to give details of the case to the media prior to a trial? Are we dealing with an official source here? or is it more rumours and hearsay?

I don't know much about DNA samples tbh, and I suspect most people don't. There was an article in the Sunday Times this week that seemed to suggest that the Portuguese police didn't understand it either. I guess we'll watch this space.
I don't buy it... even if she looses a case against her, I don't buy it unless there's a real confession.

I really really don't see how they could have done anything with her body 5 weeks after she went missing - hiding the body through all those searches for 5 weeks, then putting the body in the car, hiding it somewhere, with all this fuss going on around them and media nearly covering their every move. No way.

It would be nice in a way - to know she wasn't abducted and that the case is closed, but I just wouldn't believe it unless she actually confessed and told the whole story.
I've got a lot of sympathy for the parents at the moment since the Portuguese legal system seems to be a joke and hasn't helped them at any stage, I can't see how her DNA could possibly be in the car and would like to hear a British take on the whole thing. Unless more damning evidence comes about then I'd feel extremely sorry for them both as much as I have criticised their approach to it all.
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