[Media Streaming] PS3 - Movies Library?

4 Nov 2007
Windows 7 RC 7232
DivX Tech Preview (Enables streaming i.e. not transcoding of .mkv files)
AC3 Filter

Setup the Libraries in Windows Media Centre as follows;

Videos = F:/
Pictures = /Users/name/My Pictures
Music = /Users/name/My Music
Movies = E:/

Had this working since the Tech Preview RC3 was release - full 1080p streaming to my 360 - lovely stuffm I've always been a nay-sayer but HD is awesome, ripped Planet Earth to the computer, even in 720p it's epic. I've even bought my dad one for his birthday to put in the living room.

Brother was obviously envious of this so decided to have a look on the PS3 to see what I can do for him.

Found the computer fine but;

Problem 1:

No 'Movies' folder can be found on the PS3, only videos, pictures & music. It's finds and views all those just fine.

Problem 2:

720/1080p .mkv files still seem to be .avi resolution when played on the PS3 and set to 'Original Size' (not sure of the setting name) but they only take up 30-40% of the screen size.

Any help would be appreciated as if I can get it working I may have to invest in a PS3 - usually have the volume turned up loud enough no to hear but some movies are very quiet in parts compared to TV shows & the fan noise is noticeable.
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