Meet Dave...

3 Mar 2004
my new little pet :D


Got him last saturday and this is the first time hes been out of his hide long enough to be able to get a decent photo of him :p
We had a handle of him in the shop, they really don't mind. Aparantly they don't recognise you as someone who feeds them, just a big tree to climb on, so as long as you support them they are fine. Can't get him out intil next Monday though :(
What will you feed Dave on?

Because he's still not very big just baby mice at the minute, when he gets a bit bigger he will go onto adult mice. Pretty much stick to something the same width as him so he doesn't have any problems digesting it. So at the minute i have 2 frozen baby mice in my freezer, which will keep him going for 2 weeks :)
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