Memories of WoW, and upcoming "Legion" - what happened to it?

My fav memory...

getting to lvl 21 and thinking "this is ****!" and never going back to it.

Most of the people who love WoW, it was their 1st MMO.

Those of us who played UO, DAoC, EQ, AC... I don't think so many of us were all that impressed. Sure, WoW was very polished, but the game itself was always... "meh".
I went to WoW with the Organisation I played with in Anarchy Online.

1st real memory that sticks out was right near the start on my 1st character, which was a Night Elf Druid.
I ran into the 2nd village and all of a sudden the screen started shaking and an Ancient of War walked past me, that's always stuck with me, was a real "****ing hell!" kind of moment. :eek:

TBH I had a crap time in Vanilla on the American servers, since everyone in the guild wanted to be on a PVP server, where as I can't pvp to save my life, figuratively and literally. Was a great bunch of people though, dragged my useless ass through so many dungeons and raids.
Truly the golden era of MMOs (not AC2, which was awful, AC1)

But those 4 that you mentioned there...the 1997-2004 era, I will always consider that the golden era of MMOs. Its been pretty much downhill ever since.

I would still occasionally log into EQ to mess around in the original zones... if they still existed.

Sadly they "revamped" all the old zones and NPC models, and made the new versions compulsory. And boy, were the revamps awful. I could have done better by rolling my face on the keyboard.

Should probably look into Project 1999 one day.
Taking down C'Thun in Vanilla when only a handful of guilds worldwide had done so - the fight was immense at the time. Also massively enjoyed the original Karazhan pre nerfs and Nightbane.
Vanilla: Was in one of the Top rated raiding/pvp guilds in the EU. Blizz live streamed our AQ40 run at blizzcon and The gathering norway. At the time we were one of 4 guilds who had cleared the entire dungeon including optional bosses, Our Twins tanking warlock Dc'd during a vital phase in front of all the viewers. I was playing a shaman at the time and somehow ended up with the agro! popping pots and getting quick rebuffs from a priest I managed to tank the twin until our warlock came back online.

The next day Eye of sulfuras dropped from a rag run, everyone in the guild new that Hand of Rag was a pure pvp weapon so for my saving of the twins I was awarded it.
By that time I'd amassed a lot of very good high tier melee gear and proceeded to open a can of **** on the poor alliance unlucky enough to meet that weapon. That was it I was hooked on pvp and went to R13 in the ranking system at the time :D That sparked my taste into pvp and I ended up with multiple level 60's by the time TBC came out all with R11-12

The Burning crusade:
Tanking as a druid in sunwell was fun as hell
World pvp at Halaa
Ganking the elemental mote spawns

Sadly TBC for me wasn't the best expansion I loved the raiding and pvp but they destroyed the joy of melee shamans (Okay so it was a bit OP with 2h but they only had that and RNG to go on really)

Wrath: didn't play

Dual wielding 2 massive weapons on a warrior and doing respectable in pvp with it, destroying bosses with unlimited DPS and downing the first heroic worm boss

Death knights! 1+ mil HP blood DK in pvp was beyond broken when geared the amount of HP I gained back from skills was stupid, they were the ultimate solo class for just about anything. The 20mil hp bosses that dropped mounts? no problem! took about 10mins to kill it but the amount of rage people gave when they saw you comfortably doing it was unreal

Above all the people I've met and guilds I've been in is what made wow, the combat now days is pretty basic although it was enjoyable. and while it's never been as balanced as I would like it inducing a fair amount of rage at times I had a lot of fun learning different classes. I had great laughs and exciting times, I had sad times and disappointment and wasted hours gathering gold only to spend it on stupid crap WoW has evolved and moved on from my personal preference of game but it will always stay strong in my heart.
For me it was vanilla wow, maybe early TBC aswell. The onslaught of Tarren Mill/Southshore open world PVP was amazing, then early battlegrounds such as the old AV when battles could last 12-15 hours easily, maybe more.

I played in a top end EU guild on Ravencrest (Public Enemies), it being my first. I really did get proper hooked on the game! Funny thing being that I stopped hardcore raiding after I completed my own goal of killing Ragnaros and maybe early few bosses of AQ (including the opening), it just got too demanding and was even a chore back in the earlyish days, ZG runs all time etc. After that I'd say I was more hardcore with continuous aim to achieve tasks (mounts.weapons etc).

Really enjoyed the game, I think Blizzard are the pinnacle of game development imo.
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Most of the people who love WoW, it was their 1st MMO.

Those of us who played UO, DAoC, EQ, AC... I don't think so many of us were all that impressed. Sure, WoW was very polished, but the game itself was always... "meh".

Yep, my mmo life started with UO, then SWG then Eve.

Tried others in between, try them now, SWTOR, RIFT, LOTRO etc, nothing appeals anymore.
Can reminisce for hours on this.

Vanilla: late to the party and hit Lv60 the very day TBC got released.

TBC: Golden memories. Joined a casual raid group as Pally Tank (that's before tankadins were 'proven' as tanks) and cleared Karazhan. They couldn't quite make the jump from 10man Kara to 25man Maggie and Gruul so I left and joined a bigger guild. My best memories are from there. Cleared SSC (Vashj took DAYS to down and could only do it 2-3 times), TK, Hyjal and all the way up to Council in BT before chucking it in. The social was superb and I flew all across Europe meeting guildies. Best memory was sitting on a beach somewhere on a Greek island at 3am with 10+ guildies talking raid strategy and drawing plans in the sand on raid positioning and locations for healers to stand :D some hot women there too between us nerds.

WOTLK: Rolled a Spriest and started my way back through new 10man guilds (TBC guild stopped raiding) until I got accepted into a great guild. Cleared a few raids (can't remember the names now, the one with Yogg and Mimiron) until I decided to go for broke and join an EU top 20 guild. Cleared TOC including the final boss (Anub'arak or something) and I done a few bosses in ICC with them before chucking WOW in 'for good'. The constant raiding got to me in the end. They were going for being a top 10 EU guild and we raided 7 nights a week with 6 being 'compulsory'. If you didn't raid 7 you weren't inline for any loot. Kept it up for a while until I just stopped logging in. That was pretty much the end of raiding for me.

Cataclysm: Bought and gained 2 levels questing and quit.

Pandaria: max levelled and done a few pick up raids. No idea now what they were called. This is when every dummy parroted all the crap they heard around town about iLVL gear and how you can only join when you've attained a certain number. I was still out dpsing nearly everyone in the raid with crap gear. Didn't wanna join a guild and start the whole WOW thing again. Either way, all the good people seemed to be gone. I rejoined my old WOTLK guild under an alt but all the old timers were gone replaced by latecomers with no decorum or ingrained sense of community from old. I stopped logging in.

Warlords: bought, never got past the starting area. Logged onto my lv47 hunter, done a few quests. Parked him on a hill somewhere in the Hinterlands with a good view of the fields. My pally got logged out at Light's Hope. My priest floating on his bird high above the gates of Stormwind. My warrior knocking around Nagrand.

Think that's it for me.

Great game though :)
My one overriding memory/emotion/feeling about WoW is regret. Regret that I'll never again in my entire life enjoy a game as much as I have enjoyed this one in the past, nor have the freedom to do so. I never played EQ1, DAOC etc and I'm sure the people who started off playing those games feel the same.

I've got a wife and two children now and things have moved on from WoW. Certainly it's no longer the game I remember. No regrets though and I will always wish I could recapture the good times playing.
I resub for a month every now and then. I've pre-purchased Legion as I play all the other Blizz games, so the goodies are a plus.

My favourite memories were cracking the top 100 world rankings during the Ulduar patch. Getting Yogg+0 and Algalon when it was current content was such a huge achievement for us back then.
Oh and forming an alt guild on a different server during Firelands and destroying 'walker Ragnaros!'.
I wasn't a bad player back in the day, but i'm so casual now I just don't care for leaderboards or anything like that.

Also WoW gave me my internet/forum name and variants for the rest of my life. So i've got that going for me...
I started playing during TBC, stopped playing towards the end of WOTLK. We had 25man heroic LK and Yogg+0 still left to do.

TBC: Mainly played a mage during TBC. Did some raids with a social raiding guild and did Kara once a week with my brother and some of his friends.

WOTLK : Switched to a druid alt that I'd levelled during TBC. Joined a social raiding guild during Nax and played resto. Left after about a month and joined a casual raiding guild (had to do two out of 4) again playing resto druid. Joined the guild leadership during Ulduar and looked after recruitment. With other guilds splitting up towards the start of TOC we started get most server firsts.

Switched to Boomkin during IC as we had 4 resto druids. Then stopped playing with heoric LK left, was getting annoyed with people failing and wasn't fun any more.

Best memories. Pulling agro at the about 15 seconds of Gruul encounter. We'd wiped at about 10% the try before and I was trying to get another trinket cooldown in. Gruul walked over to the little mage, smacked me once and walked back to the tank.

On our first Algalon 10 man kill one of the tanks died just before we killed him, He released for some reason so didn't get the achievement. So I started calling him Failcaller (Starcaller was the tiltle you got with the achievement).
As with everything in life we get bored with the same over and over and try new things that's how the human works ! I played wow for 2 years when it got released and to this day its one of them games I will never forget how it made me feel when I played it , everything about it from game play , to fighting in pvp was brilliant , but as the years when on they have changed it way to much ! Way to easy , so many things they have changed that didn't need changing or adding , I have tried going back to it many of times over the years and guess what ? I get bored with it right away ! I just no longer find the game interesting or fun, The whole graphic engine needs updating , if they did that then loads of people would go back .

I checked my total wow time when I last logged in and it was 295 Days play time :( lol so a year of my life was in this game pretty much , just goes to show how much I loved it.

I would spend hours and hours grinding for Epic loot , it was exciting not knowing when a drop would happen , buying and selling on the AH and making a profit was fun , but the most fond memries was when the game first got released and everyone on the servers made there own BG's people would shout out in Iron Forge , Battle at crossroads in 15mins , everyone would race to the cross roads and have epic battles with the Horde vs the Alliance , it was moments like this that made me fall in love with the game , they really shouldn't off added dedicated BG in my book as it didn't need doing , They also had a good ranking system at the start , if you had the most kills or play time killing you would get the best Armour in the game , stuff like this made you play non stop , all these types of things that made wow fun have gone.
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I stopped playing wow when they took away world pvp and forced me into an instance form of pvp for 24/7 just to get to warlord. :mad:
Especially when you worked all the way to Warlord rank for the armour and TBC releases, only to find anyone can get it within the space of a few weeks if they pushed hard enough.

This infuriated me no end. All my hard work, WEEKENDS lost to something I felt I had achieved. Then suddenly, every man and his dog had the flipping armour :(

That was the first of about 6 nails in the coffin for me.

I tried it recently and just felt dead to the game. So many little in game things that ruin the main game. My partner and I started from scratch, hated it, as after level 12 or so, it was just waiting for dungeons in town. The HUGE game I fell in love with almost a decade ago was empty as there was no need to leave town unless you're collecting silly things like pets and what have you.

We tried Nostalrius's private server, it was GREAT! But, we got busy and stopped playing. Plus, the idea of committing our selfs to it, only to maybe have the server shut down one day without warning and lose all that stuff, kind of made us wary.

As the moment, we are on pre order for Black Desert Online. Hoping it will fill that MMO void.
I could never get into WOW.

Everquest fans (myself included) were a little bit snobby about WOW when it was first released.

The subscription numbers though did not lie, and when Everquest's direction started to completely change IMO (around Gates of Discord and Omens of War) I did give it a chance.

It just wasn't 'hardcore' and brutal enough for me though, and I decided to opt for Vanguard. That's another game and another story for another thread though!
I've gone back to it recently as I want to see some newer content and felt I had unfinished with the game. Even on a low pop server its still very active in that I've bumped into other players all over the place. For example I went back for nostalgia sake to look at the Draenei starting zone and there were a fair number of players, I assume they are new, trying the game out or playing alts.

I was a late comer to WoW and there started in TBC and played during WOTLK as well, but never as hardcore as most on here so enjoyed PVE the most. I've tried a few times over the years to play it again but couldn't get on with it.

However this latest attempt finds me enjoying it and I will likely see out WoD and have pre-purchased Legion (like someone else said as much for the digital tat as anything). The game is technically better than it ever was, and some of the newer zones are the best designed in the game for the questing experience.

I think the playerbase, the industry and gaming have changed over the years and this is some of why WoW is more casual friendly. Still incredible that its going strong after 12 years. Might not be what it was but certainly one of my favourite games.
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