MGS4 Demo Can Be Run On X360.

15 Aug 2003

According to a video post, Hideo Kojima has admitted that the Xbox 360 is capable of running the Metal Gear Solid 4 real-time demo. Despite the PlayStation 3 propaganda on display throughout the demo, Kojima's comments reaffirm many gamers' opinions that the two next-gen consoles aren't separated by much in terms of sheer graphical power. Today's lesson: Don't be a victim of hype.

Vid on MGS4 (Real Time)

Not Sure if this old news
Wasnt this all said round about the time of the demo?
i am sure i seen it all surfacing then, and even then i wasnt surprised
That story: Posted Nov 16th 2005 2:00PM.. so welcome to last year ;)

Vid is working for me, but on mums PC with no sound.
DaveyD said:
That story: Posted Nov 16th 2005 2:00PM.. so welcome to last year ;)

Vid is working for me, but on mums PC with no sound.

ah it was recent on XBox 360 Fanboy, so just went by that

i thought it might be old - i dont really keep track of the xbox 360 vs ps3 stories, so assumed as it was a recent post there it might be new.

My bad
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I'd not seen the video, but wow, that does look fantastic, MGS4 really is going to be great :)

Though all this rendering stuff they showed is probably more designed to be for use in the 62 hours of cinematics they'll have in the game.

I doubt you'll really notice that detail once you're playing, and it'll probably have to be toned down a little for larger areas and big battles / firefights. But we'll have to see really.
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