Microsoft pulls Family Guy sponsorship

Ah that's a shame - hopefully they'll stick with true Family Guy tradition and keep those jokes in anyway!
Well if Family Guys follows its normal pattern, by pulling out, the jokes will remain, however, they will not be for the good of Microsoft hehe :)
oh dear, I see a south park coming on.

peter buys a computer with windows 7 and gets addicted to watching some random guy on youtube, suddenly the computer blue screens and he says something about not being able to see this guy makes him feel like a deaf man. The only way peter can watch the guy is by going around the task that triggers the blue screen (accessing youtube) which is very tricky... like justifying incest. when he does get to the page he finds himself doing what many other windows 7 users have been doing and buying a mac and feels trapped in steve jobs's web like a prisoner from the holocaust and decides to take down Microsoft disguised as a female with hygiene issues.
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