Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Quite enjoying this even if it is basically Assassins Creed mixed with Batman in a LOTR setting. If you liked those games then you should be well set to enjoy this. I'm not sure I'd recommend it if you haven't played them since quite a bit of the game mechanics are quite poorly explained (almost like they assume you've seen this done before!).

The internal orc battles/feuds are a cool idea and fighting the captains is good fun although I've had a few fights where I take on one and 2 others appear from nowhere which makes it quite tricky.

The rune idea is good and there are some pretty cool abilities that mix things up, hopefully the fighting becomes a bit less of a Batman clone at some point. Heck even the strong enemies that need to be vaulted have made the move from Gotham to Mordor!

So far I'd rate it a solid 8, probably a 9 if you are a LOTR super-fan.
I played this for an hour last night and found it to be good fun.
I do worry that orc after orc after orc is going to get a little stale, but we'll see.

Playing it on a 8970M (which is about the same as a desktop 7850, I think), 1080, on medium and it's so smooth I am going to pump up the settings tonight. It seems very well optimised for my machine.
Really enjoying it so far but 3 hours in and fighting the same old Orcs is getting a little old, also killing what seems to be the same named Orc 3-4 times seems a little odd? Do they have clones? :)
Played a few hours yesterday. It's not bad. Tbh though, I am finding it repetitive already.

Also, it is really confusing as to what exactly you are doing!

Assassins Creed mixed with Batman in a LOTR setting. If you liked those games then you should be well set to enjoy this.

I'm not so sure tbh...I loved those games and the feeling I am getting from this is that I have played it before, many times.
Anyone else playing this with a Asus Matrix HD7970 Platinum?

Just wondering what settings I can get away with (using the HD texture pack) on my rig, is Ultra going to be do'able do you think?
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