Minecraft OCuK Forum Members Server Thread

Just to warn any players that are on the server tonight (old alpha build)
anything you build will be lost also the server keeps on crashing due to what I am trying to do.
Good morning all.
The below will only happen if the dupe bug is fixed no point otherwise.

This is what will be happening.

1. We will be keeping the server map we have, there will be no new map.
2. The spawn will be moved to part of the world on the server that we have not been before, so it will be just like having a new world start. ( I will place it at the point marked on the map (see image), if it is in a place that you the players think is not the best spot for the spawn then I will more it within 500 blocks of where I placed it.
3. The old spawn will have a /warp point added to it
4. All of the chests, Work benches, Furnaces ect that are on the server at the moment will be cleared out. I have tested this & it works fine.
5. Each player will be given 2 double chests to fill with what every they wish to keep, before I clear all of the chests ect. These chests will be stored at a safe zone.
When you have filled your chests you need to place 2x cobble blocks on top & place a sign in front of each chest not on the cobble with your players name. This is to stop anyone from opening your chests to do so they need to remove the cobble first this would in turn show up on the /bbhere report.
There will be some items that will be limted ie Diamonds to one stack of 64.
Maybe more to follow. Yes I will be looking in everyones chests to make sure no one is keeping more then they should. You would only be waisting a slot.
6.All of your bags will be cleared aswell so no point in keeping anything on your person.
7.This will be done I hope by Monday 27th December, this will give the players time to sort your chests out.
8.I will need to remove everyone from the whitelist while I clear the chests & clear your bags.

Thats it.

This way I think it should be fair for most players.
1. No one loses any work
2. You get to keep a lot of your old items
3. You get a nice new spawn to build on
4. Can get a economy going on the server
5. Everyone starts on a closer playing field
6. Duping items get removed from the server.
7. At your new spawn you can have a no sky bridges ect rule & the old spawn can have them, something for eveyone.

I will post more later its now 2am

The size of the image black parts as well is about 10,000 x 10,000 blocks.
If the new spawn marked in red is no good there are two other places & thats top left & top right of the image that could be used.

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VOTE TIME This due to most players still saying about a restart even when I put all that work in to keep the old world :eek:

Luckly the server still has not been undated so I am not losing anyones game time.

Do you want a server world restart ?


Theres no other choice just a simple YES or NO
Post your vote from this post onwards.
If the server is updated by 3pm today then the voting will end then, if not then it will end as soon as the server has been updated.
please post just a YES or NO thats all no other text as it will make the counting easyer.
Any votes that have any other text will be void if you want to put a reason for your vote then do it in a second post.

The old world is still safe when you played on it this monring it was full of /protected zones & missing chests.

I have put a world reset on the server for you to explore I will upload a new one again later today.
I have saved the new world so you can build but your work will be cleared again. Dont worry about where you spawn to as this can be moved.
I will get on mumble soon.
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Quick post

Updated Client and Server to Beta 1.1
The server update isn’t mandatory, but it’s HIGHLY recommended

* Rewrote Leaf Decay for the seventeenth time, and as a result..
* .. fixed HUGE fps drops in single player
* .. fixed players getting spammed with data and getting disconnected in SMP
* .. felt like a sexy programming god
* Fixed the item dupe bug in SMP
A new world restart it is then.

As all I see is yes votes & that's all I have seen before the voting started with the few who said no then saying they don't mind.

I am still waiting on the host to update the servers it has come out that there clanforge software that I the ower use needs the hay0 mod to work.
So nothing will be happeing till the hay0 is updated as far as I understand this will not be happing before the 24th.
We still need the hay0 mod to be updated for the server to run safely anyway as the mods I use also need hay0 to be upto date.

Yes I will be removing all the old warp, protect & the none use of TNT server files when the new map goes live.
I still had them in place while the new maps where running as I was not sure if we where going to still be using the old world.

The world that's on the server now is the new world that we will be using.
I have done a world save file before anyone joined the world so I will be rolling it back to that point when it goes live, so anything that you build on there at the moment will be lost, this needs to be done as players can still dupe.
If you want to play on the server you need to do what it says in this link others have done this & have been on the server today.

The dupe bug has now been fixed so thats very good news we can now play this game the way it is ment to be played at this stage of the build.
Looking at the bug update reports there are some lag bugs still so please understand this.

Sorry it's taken so long for me to make my mind up with what path the server should take at this point (stay with old world or a fresh) I do not like to mess people about the last world restart we had was easy as it was a bug that destoryed it, but this time there was not a 100% reason to start a fresh that could not be worked around.
I stayed up till 2am this morning working on a way to stop us having to restart this is how much I worked on finding away to keep the old one.

I think a new world is the right way to go, I gave you all a chance to add your views the ones of you that read the forum anyway.
Lest we now know that any buildings that are on the server have been built with hard work and not just pulled out of a chest & put up in a few hours.

The server has been paid up till Feb 2011 still 14 slot but I will add more slots if there is the need. The max I will pay for on my own is a 20 slot server.
I am not asking for money I am just saying that if it gets to the point where 20 slot is to small then if you want a bigger one then funds are going to be needed. Its only £1 a slot.
Again I am not asking for any money I don't need any at the moment. Thank you to the player who sent me £6 yesterday.

A few days ago I said I will not be having any admins this is still the case, I don't think we need any anyway. We have some players on the server who standout & play the game a lot, work as a team & care for the world that we build in. I have faith that players will make sure there fellow players keep in line.

I will no longer be protecting players work with the /protect command this has been replaced with /bbhere see below.

You all have the use of the /bbhere command this shows you who has changed any blocks that are 5 blocks 360o around you. Some players have told me that the report is to long & it goes off the page. If you do /bbhere 1 this will show you info about the blocks 1 deep next to you.
This should make the report smaller so stand next to the changed, missing , damaged block & do /bbhere 1 it will list info for missing blocks aswell, air is still a block.

Again a few days ago I talked about making each player a vault on the server I will still be doing this. I have logs that show me who has been on the server so I will know who to make vaults for.

I will be putting a limit on the area that we can build on from reading you feed back. The old world longest point was about 5000 blocks away from spawn, tefals fort was about 450-500 blocks, so I was thinking 2500 blocks from spawn that would make a world size of 5000x5000.

Ban on one block wide sky bridges they look like poo (<<< tame word for what I wanted to use) Will be adding it to the rules.

I will be adding to the rules that you build on this server at the understanding that when the game comes out of beta there will be a world restart & in turn all work will be lost. This way next time I can just say right players its new world time as everyone will already know it was going to happen.

Free to build zones & restricted building zone where you need to ask if you can build there. It's good to see that you are getting together & planning the building around the spawn, but what happens if someone comes along & builds something out of place ? what are you going to do about it ?
So I was thinking of adding a zone around the spawn X amount of blocks where to build you need to have agreed with X amount of players if your plans would fit in. (leaders see below)
I can add a zone that when you enter it you get a message come up in your text bar so it could read 'entering restricted building zone' & when you leave it could say 'leaving restricted building zone'.

Leaders roles, I think it would be nice if some players took on roles with in the server, but I will leave that up to you.

Me and this server, I am laid back with what happens on this server, what gets built, what gets said, who does what, just as longs as it does not upset anyone else or damage anyone elses work. Seen a mod you like the look of then tell me.
The only time I ask for things to be changed or not to be used is if it has a risk of crashing the server or damaging the world.
So if anyone wishs to take on roles don't let me stop you just get on with it.

Someone talked about this mod for the server 'Towny'
Till we have leaders come forward it can't happen.

whitelist will be updated in the next 24 hours, you are not missing anything as the server is out of date anyway.

The End :D
Just got in form work, I will read all the posts later.

What I do need tonight is the location of where the new spawn is to be placed.
So who ever is in charge of that job can you please give me the coordinates X Y Z numbers not including the decimal point so I can set it, use /getpos
Also how big do you want this marked off zone around the spawn where only aproved buildings can be built ?
How many blocks out from the spawn ? you many have to find a spawn site then count the blocks out to find out.
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The server not workng is not a bad thing :eek:
Look at all this brain storming you are all doing :D
You can't just rush in & start building you have been given time to think about what you are going to do when it does go live.

whitelist updated

Big post in comming soon, just lots of replies to quotes took some reading the post over the last few days.
So after seeing the new world i have to say Yes (feel bad for the all work gars went to on the compromise though :o )

Shows I always try to make sure no one gets upset ;)

Is there any way of monitoring how many times people die?


I would maybe suggest a bigger world gar, if just that in the future resources may be hard to come by. Perhaps double the size so that it's 10,000 x 10,000?

I am happy for it to be 10,000 x 10,000 I said smaller as someone said that a big wolrd makes the server lag but I think that bug has been fixed now (chunk saving or something bug) this would be the same size as the last world map where there was a house 4800 ish blocks from spawn.

...ill chuck some paypal money across to help you pay for server. whats your addy?

Gar can we not send a donation to you of some sort, you have already saved me having to sub my own server, so it would only feel right to make some sort of donation to help wth server costs.

If you want to send a donation then you are welcome to, in return I give you a reserved server slot (£1.00 min a month) so if the server is full it will drop a unpaying player & let you in everytime. With the funds sent to me I would buy extra server slots so it's not a money making scheme just win win.

...what will be the rules regarding 'claiming' land?

Put sign(s) up saying this land has been claimed name & date your sign like this 'claimed land - garsands - 23 12 10' Then players will know not to build there. If no work has been done or only a small bit has been done with in a week then I will remove the signs, this is why you put a date.
If no date has been added I will remove the sign. To see if anyone has renamed or removed your sign do /bbhere 1 next to it. Just as longs it's also not in the planning zone around the spawn.

Could you please upload the previous world so that we can use it locally? Thank you!

176mb ^^^ Give it a few hours to upload.

Seeing as garsands wanted someone to take control of the shop; I'd be willing to put myself forward in sorting out exchange rates, items for sale etc, as long as the majority of the server agree.

The job is yours, I will set the price for the cheapest & highest priced item & you can work the prices around thoses. will do a new post firday if i have time.
We will no longer be using OcUKs to trade with the new name is 'cobble' :eek:
Will explain more friday.

How far back does /bbhere go? i.e. if you're away for a few days would it be able to look back and find out why your house was rubble?

Not sure but it sends me logs by email every 12 hours that I keep so I can always find out.
But if you do /bbhere 1 it will just list 1 block deep around you so if you house has been turned into rubble it should be the first thing on the list.
If you know the X Y Z placement of the block you can also do /bbhere X Y Z 1

/bbhere - Reports all changes made in a 5 block radius around you.
/bbhere # - Reports all changes made in a # block radius around you.
/bbhere 'x' 'y' 'z' - Reports all changes made in a 5 block radius around the (x, y, z)
/bbhere 'x' 'y' 'z' # - Reports all changes made in a # block radius around the (x, y, z)

i guess i'll take that role, spawn itself, including walls, will be a 119x119 square, if we could have 50 blocks all around (so 219x219) as an 'approved only' area then that'll help keep the sky around spawn free of clutter.

Good :D
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Sorry about the server taking ages to be updated.
I only found out on Wednesday that MP need hmod to run there servers bit dumb but there we go.
I dont want to move to a new host as there clanforge makes life so easy to run the server.
I don't know how long its going to take MP to get the servers running on beta but it's not going to be tonight thats for sure & not over the weekend.

^^^ umm lots of 'I's in a row there.... I I I I I I
oh also Happy Christmas
Before you start sending me my xmas bonus lets see if this server gets updated first.
I did get you trust mail Goberpiles just waiting to see what happens with MP first.
Server is now up & running beta
World reset done
No spawn set yet as thats down to vincent1989
As soon as vincent1989 finds a spawn I will make it as a no free build zone
Have fun
Garsands don't forget all warps and home locations are still set. Can you please remove/reset all warps/protected area (protection from previous map is still in place here).

They are not I removed them yesterday & I have just checked, your /home may still work from the old servers settings.
Also around the spawn minecraft settings make it so your can't build there, but I can & will remove that so users can build right up to the new spawn.
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Added some new server rules & removed the dupe bug rules

6. No sky bridges less then 4 blocks wide & don't have supports to the ground to keep them up (gravity defying), they must be well lit to stop mods from spawing on then.

7. Around the spawn there is a restricted build area/zone you can not freely build on this zone.

^^^^^ This one is not setup yet
It rolls back due to there been 10+ players all going off to explore the map.
Minecraft makes the world as you explore its not a preset loaded world so in the end it can't keep up & crashes, this happened last time we had a new world restart, it then stops rolling back when players stopped looking for places to build.
One way to spot this from happning is for me to limit the world size, but in the end it stops & the roll backs happen once a week if that.

I have sent a ticket about it to MP the host not that they can do much about it I am sure they will tell me what I have just told you.

If it gets you down then best to leave it for a few days then come back. This is why I am not playing at the moment it drives me mad aswell.

I have changed the auto save time to every 300 seconds but I am not sure if that command works & for the new settings to work I need a server restart so if it rolls back again the new settings will be in place from then.
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