Mini / BMW 1 driving school



16 Jun 2003
Hi, does anyone know of any driving schools in London area which let you drive in a mini or BMW 1 series, its for my brother lol he wants to drive something special bless him :rolleyes:
The mini's an icon car so kind of special.
And the BMW isn't a bottom of the line car. Fair enough, it might be the smallest model but not bottom of the line as in crap.

And as said. Better than a corsa or the norm driving cars.
My instructor had a mini, not bad. Although seem to be a competiton round here with which instructor has the fastest car. There is a Fiesta ST and a chipped Fabia VRS, and my instructor wants to get a Focus ST. Nutters.
GT3 said:
My instructor had a mini, not bad. Although seem to be a competiton round here with which instructor has the fastest car. There is a Fiesta ST and a chipped Fabia VRS, and my instructor wants to get a Focus ST. Nutters.

I'm learning in a 1.4 206.
GT3 said:
My instructor had a mini, not bad. Although seem to be a competiton round here with which instructor has the fastest car. There is a Fiesta ST and a chipped Fabia VRS, and my instructor wants to get a Focus ST. Nutters.

From what my motorbike instructor told me sports cars are fairly popular as learner cars in Sweden (he used to live there). His theory was that at least that way they'd got practice in bigs cars before going out and buying one, thus reducing the risk of them crashing slightly.
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GT3 said:
My instructor had a mini, not bad. Although seem to be a competiton round here with which instructor has the fastest car. There is a Fiesta ST and a chipped Fabia VRS, and my instructor wants to get a Focus ST. Nutters.

I can just see all the instructors pulling up to the lights and racing each other. :p
Threads mentioning 1-Series should be banned :(

Sone said:
i learnt to drive in a mini, loads of insturctors around stoke seem to have them.

Yeah they are popping up more and more now. I learnt in a Cooper just shortly after they came out when they were the dogs danglies. Very nice car to drive, very comfortable and was pretty quick, but as for living with it im not sure, the dials were just everywhere on the dash, would take a lot of getting used to a normal car.

Also, the speedo is massive and in the middle of the dash, not the best place for taking your test as it makes it too easy for the examiner to see if your over the limit ;)
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