Mixed WPA-PSK+WPA2-PSK and Xbox 360 issues.

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8 Aug 2007
got a DGN2000 router on DGTeam Rev. 0850

the router is set up using Mixed WPA-PSK+WPA2-PSK wireless security.

working really well on all wireless devices
upstairs desktop

problem is that the xbox 360 will not connect
it sees the router ssid
it connects using the WPA2-PSK Security Encryption and connects to the internet

but will not connect to xbox live after that.

is this an issue with the WPA2-PSK Security Encryption?
Why are you using 0850, that's two years old?

afaik the 360 supports WPA2 so it's strange that you're having issues. When you say it won't connect, does it say so when you try the connectivity tests in that menu?
just got sent it today. couldnt get one off the site as its invite only or whatever

it comes up on the screen with this...

but the router is set to this...
Working fine on the four DG834PN and two DGN2000's I've flashed. The ADSL driver may be the same but there's been loads of modifications since the 850 set was released.
on the new firmware
still getting nowhere
tried disabling wireless security
still getting the same error
If you've got the dgteam firmware you should be able to telnet in and make sure the MTU on both the Wifi and WAN interfaces is set over 1364.
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