Monday Marketplace Madness (Xblive)

19 Oct 2002
From Major Nelson.....

You may recall a press release that went out last week that talked about the E3 related content that will be hitting the Xbox Live Marketplace as part of the ‘Bringing it Home’ promotion on Xbox Live. Well it’s time to test out that broadband connection of yours, since moments ago, the first wave of new content started washing up on the Marketplace shores.

Here are new game trailers now on the Xbox Live Marketplace. This content is available 720p format in all Xbox Live regions.

BattleStation: Midway (Ubisoft)
Brother In Arms Hell's Highway (Ubisoft)
Bullet Witch (AQ Interactive/Cavia)
College Hoops (2K7 2KSports)
Dance Dance Revolution Universe (Konami)
Dead Rising (Capcom)
John Woo Presents Stranglehold (Midway)
NCAA Football 07 (Electronic Arts)
Rain (AQ Interactive/Cavia)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega)
Test Drive Unlimited (Atari)
The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-Earth II (Electronic Arts)

PLUS: A movie trailer is also up there for you to take a look at:

Poseidon (this is the new one, not the Shelly Winters version) in 480p and 720p
(this content is not available in France)

Playable Demos

Test Drive Unlimited (Atari)

Gamer Pictures

Adidas Gamer Pictures (FREE)
X-3 Gamer Pictures (FREE)
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Still d/l the demo of Test Drive......

In the list of vids though, i have seen John Woo Presents Stranglehold before and it looks amazing......Max Payne on 100 cans of Red Bull material! :eek: :D
Poseidon = Looks awesome!
Dead Rising Trailer = Seems to be a mix of the trailer on the main webby and someother ingame stuff.

Just checking out Bullet Witch atm. So far all content is blazing down the line (2mb adsl) very fast.
Thesnipergecko said:
Any particular App?

Paul ...

You can put MRTG on a Linux PC somewhere on the network. It will monitor the bandwidth the NICs use. So you just put the Linux PC between the Xbox 360 and the rest of the network.

Personally I use Astaro Linux/Firewall which has network monitoring.

For more information I would pop into the networking forum :)
IceBus said:
Anyone tried contacting them about it?
Loads of threads about it on other forums. People have been complaining, phoning them up, writing emails but NTL dont want to know. They claim it's Live's problem when it clearly isnt as people on other ISP's are getting pretty good speeds.

For me it takes somewhere in the region of 5-10 minutes just to download a Arcade demo. Theyre only 30megs! :(
McManicMan said:
rubbish, my 2meg is downloading at full speed via 360 connecting to pc monitoring with DU Meter, its probably a over subscribed UBR in your area

Live is ALWAYS slow for downloading after about 5pm here, however downloading on my PC from the net stays roughly the same as mornings and afternoons (fast). I managed to get all the other new marketplace content within an hour this morning though, which was about 500-600Meg.

I'm on NTL 2Meg, so I don't think its total rubbish.

Maybe they implemented some sort of limit in certain parts of the country?
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