Money as Debt II Promises Unleashed

Magick, you've really done your reputation no favours. :p

If anyone's actually interested in reading further on credit and banks, etc. I highly suggest you read: Niall Ferguson - The Ascent of Money. He's a financial historian and there should be an accompanying DVD which you can buy online which was on Channel 4 a year or two ago.
Despite seeing the name of the poster and immediately thinking of clicking back, I'll actually give it a try.

Edit: 1 of 8 parts. Damn you! :p

The original Money as Debt was actually very good. :)

thanks for the link Magick.

If anyone's actually interested in reading further on credit and banks, etc. I highly suggest you read: Niall Ferguson - The Ascent of Money. He's a financial historian and there should be an accompanying DVD which you can buy online which was on Channel 4 a year or two ago.

4oD Link:

great series!
Magick, you've really done your reputation no favours. :p

If anyone's actually interested in reading further on credit and banks, etc. I highly suggest you read: Niall Ferguson - The Ascent of Money. He's a financial historian and there should be an accompanying DVD which you can buy online which was on Channel 4 a year or two ago.

Nix I heard about this but never watched it. Did it have any mention or explicit or non-explicit to the Rothschilds in it?
Yes he does. IIRC he mentions how the Rothschilds effectively helped finance Britain through the war(s) or something; if it wasn't for the wealthy elite providing credit when we needed it, we'd have never developed our banking system or become a 'Great' country in the first place.

Basically, the development of Britain and its banking system are one in the same. Families like the Rothschilds were heavily involved, so by logical extension (I can see where you're going with this), they could reasonably speaking, still be 'pulling strings'.

I think I might watch the documentary later myself. Give that grey-matter of mine a little shunt to ease recall. :D
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Damn might have to watch this then. I thought it would be just the usual dumbed down investigation of the economy. What do they say about the Rothschild?

I actually honestly cant remember, but it definately has a couple of interviews of them in the series. Either that or I'm getting muddled up with another TV series, but I doubt it.
Yes he does. IIRC he mentions how the Rothschilds effectively helped finance Britain through the war(s) or something; if it wasn't for the wealthy elite providing credit when we needed it, we'd have never developed our banking system or become a 'Great' country in the first place.

To be honest that's a very rose-tinted view of there escapades over the centuries.
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