More London violence.

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And I hope you realise I'm not doing any of this to my benefit

Well, you kind of are, given that all people are a shared consciousness and clones of each other. ;)

But gentle teasing aside, do you feel better for this belief system and find it a positive way to manage your interactions to the world? And are there identifiable negatives that would cancel it out (refusal to use electricity, expensive "spiritual retreats", tendency to leap off buildings in the belief you can fly). If the former, but not the latter, maybe it's a positive thing. What you talk about in "seeing others as yourself" (I forget your precise wording) is not new. Buddhists, to pick one example, have been teaching to "see the Buddha in everyone"(1) as a spiritual exercise for a long, long time. And it's actually a very positive exercise that I recommend people try regardless of their religious beliefs. But we do seem to have drifted off-topic quite a lot.

(1) Whether or not this includes dogs, is an open question.
Well, you kind of are, given that all people are a shared consciousness and clones of each other. ;)

But gentle teasing aside, do you feel better for this belief system and find it a positive way to manage your interactions to the world? And are there identifiable negatives that would cancel it out (refusal to use electricity, expensive "spiritual retreats", tendency to leap off buildings in the belief you can fly). If the former, but not the latter, maybe it's a positive thing. What you talk about in "seeing others as yourself" (I forget your precise wording) is not new. Buddhists, to pick one example, have been teaching to "see the Buddha in everyone"(1) as a spiritual exercise for a long, long time. And it's actually a very positive exercise that I recommend people try regardless of their religious beliefs. But we do seem to have drifted off-topic quite a lot.

(1) Whether or not this includes dogs, is an open question.

True, that is why I try to share it.

For me personally it turned me from being negative to positive (at least a lot more, I used to feel like the world was against me). And the 5 years I learnt so much more than in my entire life, I realised how society and schools were pretty bad teachers and didn't teach me how to live a good life, but how to become a cog in the machine, and not question society, basically don't rock the boat.

Yes personally it helped me to think it different ways, it allowed me to sit and meditate, to just enjoy a walk through nature, to be amazed at how my consciousness is creating everything before me. To be compassionate to all living things to the best of my ability. And yes people still do annoy me (still got to work on that) but if I dont get emotional and can step back I can understand why it is, I can also look at myself and be more honest where I bullcrap myself, less self lying, etc. Even simple things like, now when I eat something (especially if its nice) I give my full attention to my tastebuds and eat mindfully, (I used to gobble things up, not appreciating it at all).

There are all sorts of people in all fields, if a business man jumps in front of a train people will automatically lump him into a "crazy", "lost it", "woo woo" category, Stage orange has a huge resistance to stage green people (hippies, green peace, etc), and stage (turquoise) mystics and gurus. Orange assumes stage turquoise is a "scam" or for "money" or "false" because they are thinking inside their own "stage orange mind-set", if your mind is money and material oriented then of course you will see these people as "scams". And yes someone can be a total scam, there is nothing to stop a stage orange person posing as a guru to make money. You're going to have to do your homework. For example there is nothing scammy about Eckhart Tolle or Rupert Spira.

@dowie linked a video of Feyman here, but his quote "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself – and you are the easiest person to fool" has a lot of wisdom to it. Notice he is referring to "YOU" fooling "yourself".

Psychedelics were banned after the 1960's because people became "hippies" and didn't want to confirm to society and do what the governments wanted, they didn’t want to be materialistic. They couldn't be herded like sheep, so the ban happened, if you research psychedelics science has a lot of good things to say about them, and they not addictive.

There was an experiment where they tried to give LSD to soldiers to become more able to cope with stress and killing of people, actually the opposite happened, people become more one with the universe and were more friendly and compassionate. Haha.

Yes you're right the things I talk about are not new, they were in Buddhism and so many other cultures, in fact at the heart all religions point to the same truth, its just so many egos corrupted the teachings and mislead and overcomplicated things.

All spirituality is metaphysics really, enlightenment is the collapse and breakdown of the ego to realise your interpretation of was reality was wrong, there never was a "you", you realise you are not "Tom Cruise" in the movie but the entire movie itself, as @Roar87 said the universe itself, you are existence itself.
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Vitamin D deficiency leads to North Face jacket desire, `tis obvious. 20 minutes on a commercial sun bed and a salmon paste sarnie will have the perpetrators as right as rain. That or some woo hoo videos. I'll await the posts claiming poverty caused it and they were that hungry they needed to eat a tasty trendy jacket... Savages, pure savages, rot in hell.
Vitamin D deficiency leads to North Face jacket desire, `tis obvious. 20 minutes on a commercial sun bed and a salmon paste sarnie will have the perpetrators as right as rain. That or some woo hoo videos. I'll await the posts claiming poverty caused it and they were that hungry they needed to eat a tasty trendy jacket... Savages, pure savages, rot in hell.

Welp that's just racist.
Vitamin D deficiency leads to North Face jacket desire, `tis obvious. 20 minutes on a commercial sun bed and a salmon paste sarnie will have the perpetrators as right as rain. That or some woo hoo videos. I'll await the posts claiming poverty caused it and they were that hungry they needed to eat a tasty trendy jacket... Savages, pure savages, rot in hell.

One could argue the fact that the materialist world paradigm we live in, where having a trendy jacket is more important than your fellow man... leads to people mugging each other, if materialism so important then don't be suprised when people want to kick your head in to have your nice things, your nice shoes, your nice mobile.

This is what happens when you convince poor people that material things are the most important thing, they bombarded with it, by TV, by the internet, by advertising billboards, Celebrities, by others in society, friends, etc, people judge others by their materialistic posessions, how much money they have, what sort of jobs they have (money again) etc, etc.

I personally don't carry anything of value with me, and I dont buy expensive clothes to show off, I buy one of the cheaper mobiles, so if i get mugged for it I'm not out of £800 but £100

When i was a kid I got mugged 10 times in london, they never took anything from me, usually I had nothing on me, the times I did have my mobile they didn't do a full on search for it.

If you don't like London, or any major city MOVE, if you dont want to MOVE than tough titties, your job prospects of making the bling bling $$$ is more important than living a good life.

Problem is people don't want to investigate why something happens, this is always typical, people buy nike and addidas and crap not giving a care that some indian is working $2 a day in a sweat shop for that. 12 hours a day. But then bitch and moan about indian scammer, HAAAAAAAAAAAA.

People buy iphones where in china they have suicide nets for factories, because people work all day for little.

The Westerner who thinks he's not contributing to shittness in the world is either hugely ignorant, or hugely in denial. Our western societies stand on the poverty of other countries. Goodluck getting cheap clothes and food when the people making your clothes are getting paid £15 an hour. lol.
You’re so woke blazed, thanks for informing us that sweatshops exist, we’d not have known had it not been for your wise guidance. You must be at stage indigo or above.
So I can't mention anything, because everything is a given fact. OK.

Well you seem to be making rather large posts in some attempt to come off as a type of wise/guru type who knows all the answers to the worlds problems but you aren’t really saying much at all aside from throwing in some junk science and random observations.
Welp that's just racist.
Stop sympathising and making excuses for knife-wielding muggers because they're black.

Regardless of colour they should rot. Frankly the best thing that could happen to them is they get knifed/shot themselves.

And I sure as **** wouldn't live in that cess pool (London) or any of the other culturally enriched places.
Well you seem to be making rather large posts in some attempt to come off as a type of wise/guru type who knows all the answers to the worlds problems but you aren’t really saying much at all aside from throwing in some junk science and random observations.

Agian with these "Junk Science" and "Random observations" claims.

How is Sam Harris a neuroscientist claims of "no self" junk science, the guy hangs out with Richard Dawkins.

How the science on meditation junk? Theres literally so many positive paper works on it, I can link you but you'll be in denial about it.

Your vain man, it's unbelievable, completely blind to to how your filtering on the basis of only your own ego.

I honestly have compassion for you must be suffering some form something something.
One could argue the fact that the materialist world paradigm we live in, where having a trendy jacket is more important than your fellow man... leads to people mugging each other, if materialism so important then don't be suprised when people want to kick your head in to have your nice things, your nice shoes, your nice mobile.

This is what happens when you convince poor people that material things are the most important thing, they bombarded with it, by TV, by the internet, by advertising billboards, Celebrities, by others in society, friends, etc, people judge others by their materialistic posessions, how much money they have, what sort of jobs they have (money again) etc, etc.

I personally don't carry anything of value with me, and I dont buy expensive clothes to show off, I buy one of the cheaper mobiles, so if i get mugged for it I'm not out of £800 but £100

When i was a kid I got mugged 10 times in london, they never took anything from me, usually I had nothing on me, the times I did have my mobile they didn't do a full on search for it.

If you don't like London, or any major city MOVE, if you dont want to MOVE than tough titties, your job prospects of making the bling bling $$$ is more important than living a good life.

Problem is people don't want to investigate why something happens, this is always typical, people buy nike and addidas and crap not giving a care that some indian is working $2 a day in a sweat shop for that. 12 hours a day. But then bitch and moan about indian scammer, HAAAAAAAAAAAA.

People buy iphones where in china they have suicide nets for factories, because people work all day for little.

The Westerner who thinks he's not contributing to shittness in the world is either hugely ignorant, or hugely in denial. Our western societies stand on the poverty of other countries. Goodluck getting cheap clothes and food when the people making your clothes are getting paid £15 an hour. lol.
All of that conveniently ignores that in this example the chap gave them his jacket with no resistance, then they held him in a choke hold and knocked out his teeth, before attempting to knife him (possibly fatally).

Compared to other nations, these guys aren't poor. They aren't starving, or dying of malaria or something. They're actually pretty well off by global standards. And they are benefiting from the cheap clothes you mention as much as anyone else. Hoodies especially :p

They just so happen to be human scum that enjoy mugging people when they know they can get away with it. With no sense of right and wrong, no virtues and no morality. No decency. They are frankly an affront to all right-thinking people everywhere.

And yet the bonkers "liberals" are queuing up to say, "Poor dears, they are the real victims; victims of our terrible, racist, western patriarchy that doesn't give them a chance to become the engineers and scientists they are deep down." Because they can't recognise evil when they see it. Some people are evil.
You're making straw man arguments now, I've not said anything about Sam Harris.

Your out of your league the things you call "woo woo" or "junk science".



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