more RAM for my ageing PC advice req'

7 Sep 2011
hi guys I've just installed W7 64bit onto my slightly dated pc & would like to add more RAM.
currently i have 4 GB of Geil DD2 800mhz D/C & would like to add another 4GB
i can't find any of the exact same type anywere so can i fit a different brand as long as it has the same timings & voltages ?
or would i be better off buying 8 GB of matching RAM ?

my M/B supports up to 1200mhz in dual channel,so would faster memory make much difference for gaming ?

i'll list my poor old PC's spec's
Asus P5QPRO - Q9650 - Seagate SATA 2 350GB - 4GB Geil DDR2 800mhz
ATI HD5870 1GB
it's getting a little creaky now but still performs pretty well.

any advice very gratefully recieved.
If you can't get the same memory then you need to get the closest match possible in timings, frequencey and importantly voltage.

You can drop the timings and frequency of the hightest rated set to match that of the looser timing set.

WHat's the part number of your memory - use CPUz and click on the SPD tab?

Additional: Is your system clocked - if it is be aware that filling all 4 DIMM slots can compromise an existing clock on socket 775 setup.
many thanks for the reply,i'm going home for lunch in 1/2 an hour so i'll have a look & post
I did have my cpu clocked to 3600mhz & it ran fine,i only altered the settings for the cpu though as i wasn't shure what else to mess with,so i have it at stock speed now.
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many thanks for the reply,i'm going home for lunch in 1/2 an hour so i'll have a look & post

No problem.

or would i be better off buying 8 GB of matching RAM ?

my M/B supports up to 1200mhz in dual channel,so would faster memory make much difference for gaming ?

Not noticibly and buying 8Gb of PC2-8500 memory wouldn't be worth the outlay (~£140) on what is essentialy a dead socket (although you still have a very respectable/fast setup - just end of range which makes prices unreasonable).

You would get more performance increase by clocking your CPU - but i would get the 4 dimms stable first, as and when you buy the memory.

What do you use your computer for?
i use it almost exclusively for gaming really,Skyrim being the latest.
i think the most memory hungry application for me is Railworks 3 train simulator (don't laugh i know i'm sad)

i'm certain that my cpu will run at 4000mhz quite happily but i'm not confident enough to do it myself,don't want to fry it :)
i use it almost exclusively for gaming really,Skyrim being the latest.

i think the most memory hungry application for me is Railworks 3 train simulator (don't laugh i know i'm sad)

Looking at the game specs and taking into consideration your main usage i doubt you would gain any benefit from inserting another 4Gb of memory.

I'm not saying don't get it but if you think there's a chance you may be upgrading your system within 12 months you might want to consider putting the ~£45 to something else.

i'm certain that my cpu will run at 4000mhz quite happily but i'm not confident enough to do it myself,don't want to fry it :)

Fair enough - but you don't have to try to reach 4GHz - 3.6GHz would be healthy clock and a noticible peformance increase without any 'frying' risk :).

There's a plethora of 'how to' posts in the overclocking forum if you are interested. And there's always an informed bod about if you got stuck.

Food for thought.
hi, my memory part number is Geil CL6-6-6DDR2800 6

cheers for the above advice,but alas i won't be building a new system for quite some time due to being rather skint at the mo',so this will have to last me another couple of years.

as for games RW3 needs quite a lot more resources than the developer reccomends as i do seem to struggle in heavily detailed areas + i will be buying BF3 in the near future so thought that maybee some more RAM may be needed for that.
i also worry incase DDR2 gets even more expensive in future.

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I think your memory is rated as 6 6 6 18 @ 400MHz (800Mhz) at 1.8V.

Could you see if this is confirmed in the SPD tab in CPU-z?
If the above proves to be correct in the SPD tab then the XMS2 set - link - on a this week special would slot in nicely.

Set the timings and voltage to the looser timings of the Geil 6-6-6-18 and at 1.8V.
hi Plec,i'm back at work now but will check when i get home this evening,but i think you are correct there.
damn good price that offer is too,well spotted.
many thanks for your help i very much appreciate it.
Not a problem - if you decide to order and subsequently get any problems during install post back.

As general guide - if you can't get all 4 sticks stable on a 775 board a little extra juce through the MCH (Northbridge) will usually sort things out. Just bump the voltage up an increment or two and hopefully it will stabilise.

Best of luck.
thanks for all yor help,i'll get that RAM ordered tomorrow & post again when its here as i'll need a little help setting the timings
well i took the plunge & ordered 2 packs of the above Corsair RAM ,didn't really want to spend that much but hey ho'.

Plec thank you very much for all of your help you are a gent'
well i took the plunge & ordered 2 packs of the above Corsair RAM ,didn't really want to spend that much but hey ho'.

2 packs? Decided not to use the Geil?

Plec thank you very much for all of your help you are a gent'

Not a problem - post back when you have it all installed (or need some extra info), hopefully it will be a hassle free experience.
a work colleague has offered to buy my geil for almost the same price as a pack of the corsair so i thought i may as well have all matching ram.
they should be here shortly,so i'll slip 'em in & see how it goes.

p.s. should i set my cpu back to stock before fitting them or can i leave it clocked?
a work colleague has offered to buy my geil for almost the same price as a pack of the corsair so i thought i may as well have all matching ram.

Great result.

p.s. should i set my cpu back to stock before fitting them or can i leave it clocked?

Personally, I would save your OC profile and reset the CMOS and then load optimised deafults - save and exit.

Then install and set up the memory and test it for stability for a few days. That way if you run into stabilty problems you wont have half-an-eye on the OC being the issue.

Once you're happy that things are OK start to re-introduce your clock. You can try and instroduce it 'as-was' but if that doesn't work i would build it up gradually as 4 sticks puts extra strain on the MCH and as a result can effect your ultimate OC. (This isn't such a problem anymore with modern intel systems - Sandybridge)
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oh dear looks like i'll not be doing this today as for some reason OC didn't dispatch my order until this morning so i won't see it until monday,that's spoilt my day some what.
ok my RAM arrived today & is now installed :)
all seems to work fine at stock settings & RW3 definately runs better now.
i'll leave it on stock for a few days then oc my cpu & see how it likes it.
so far though i'm very happy & will sell my Geil tomorrow.
cheers for all your help
i'll let you know how it all goes in a couple of days
No worries glad to read it's gone smoothly thus far.

It will be interesting to see what clock you can get - what are you hoping/aiming for?
i previously had it running fine at 3600mhz with temp never over 54c,so i'll set it back to that at first & see how it goes.
i may even try for 4000mhz depending on how well my Alaska fan can cool it.

a quick question if i may.
when i'm overclocking my cpu do i need to change any settings on my memory or is that ok left on stock settings ?
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