Most over-rated game of the past 12 months?

Fallout 4, I have no idea why, It's not a bad game, I enjoyed it at first, but... I honestly don't know what it is, but I can't bring myself to go back to it. Had more urges to play Skyrim over the last few months than Fallout. I played it for about 2 weeks and never again.

Anyone else get that? Where you just suddenly lose all urge and desire to play something and have no idea why? I couldn't even list 5 bad things about the game, I even liked the graphics (performance was bad though but that's Bethesda's trademark, let's be honest).

At some point hopefully I can pick it up again and finish it/get some meaningful playthroughs of different skills/styles. But atm, just blergh, for no reason at all. :confused:
Battlefront for me.

Looked superb and played very well.

Just no depth, no SP, boring game modes and dodgy balance ruined it.

Who wouldn't want an awesome HUGE new single player Star Wars game with all the bells and whistles.

A waste of a license SW Battlefront tbh.
Battlefront, Battlefront 2 was the best.
BF4, BF2 and BC2 were the best.
MGS5, weakest of all MGS games and ive completed all of them MGS 3 was the best on PS2 or PCSX2 emulator upscaled and Anti Aliased.
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I actually really like Fallout 4 but I admit it feels and looks a bit dated and clumsy, but that's Bethesda for you. Still keep going back to it as there is always something new and interesting going on.

I actually think for me the let down was MGS5. Yes it looks good, and the animation is good and the combat is good. It just got so boring so quickly, it felt like effort with no satisfaction. I did really like Ground Zeroes though.

The last game I felt empty about was Watch Dogs.
Battlefront for me.

Looked superb and played very well.

Just no depth, no SP, boring game modes and dodgy balance ruined it.

Very well put. Was hugely excited for this game, but ultimately felt let down by a shooter that I thought was designed with the casual player a little too much in mind.
I think some people are getting over rated and over hyped mixed up. I seem to recall Fallout 4 getting pretty average reviews from both critics and players from the start. It is very positive on Steam, but so are most games. It needs to be in the overwhelmingly positive bracket and be bad to be considered overrated imo.
the division. like every other mmo i've played, only this one i didn't sub for.

they always turn into a grind fest, and for what? to get better gear. for what? to grind for more better gear. its why i always burn through wow content then cancel my sub.
the division. like every other mmo i've played, only this one i didn't sub for.

they always turn into a grind fest, and for what? to get better gear. for what? to grind for more better gear. its why i always burn through wow content then cancel my sub.

I wouldnt class The Division as an MMO, at least not unless I am going to then also class Diablo and Borderlands as MMOs. The most people you can play The Division with (simultaneously) is in the dark zone and the max for that is 24 players. Which is less than the Battlefield games (also not MMOs). Outside of the dark zone you are limited to only seeing your group, apart from in hub locations, similar to Path of Exile for example (also not an MMO). There isnt a Massive component to The Division, so imo it isnt an MMO at all, its a Multiplayer Online game. (Which is also what I consider Diablo/Titan Quest/Borderlands and almost every online shooter to be)
Another vote for Battlefront 3.

Bought it for the looks and to test out my graphics card and even 3 weeks after release, struggled to find games as the servers were just empty. Not played it since January and deleted yesterday to make space for another game.

Fallout 4. Well, to be fair, not given it a proper chance due to playing other games but it looked a bit clunky from what I've seen so far. Although it's probably a game best played 50+ hours before giving a proper opinion. Think I'm about 15 hours in when I stopped.
AC Syndicate.

Played and enjoyed all of the AC games in one way or another, but Syndicate bored me from the outset and about as cookie cutter as you could imagine.

Yea good call. I think I rated it a 7/10 but in hindsight, maybe a 6 or even 5. Absolutely cookie cutter and copy/paste. All the baddies wore red and looked exactly the same! There were like 3-4 difference faces and that's that. Sure Random() code could've been used to give it a bit more authenticity.

Freeing districts were exactly the same. While the graphics looked quite good, the city got old fast. No real exploration.

Did like the Frye twins and a lot of the quests but that was it. Not a game I'll ever go back to.

And I'm saying this whilst being 200 hours in on Witcher 3 in yet another play-through.
The Division for me, got caught up on the hype train and bought at release which I rarely do. It's fun for a bit, and pretty but also totally shallow and as soon as you realise you're simply playing to grind loot it becomes very boring.
The Division seemed awesome until I realised every enemy looked the same, there is zero distinct voices and not even any memorable bosses minus the helicopter. It had my attention for a while, but it's a poor game IMO.

MGS V was also awesome to start with until the gameplay became so repetitive I just couldn't bring myself to complete it. The story interested me though but I had to watch the rest of it on YouTube.
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