Most over-rated game of the past 12 months?

Fallout 4 for me, I played it a fair bit in the first couple of weeks but have little desire to go back to it at the moment.

The Division on the other hand I loved, I spent over 40 hours doing all the solo stuff so even without doing the gear grind group stuff I feel I got good value for money.
I have to agree with Fallout 4, I played 30 odd hours and enjoyed it but it didn't seem much of an improvement over Fallout 3 or New Vegas, definitely not a step forward. I had no hope for Battlefront for a long time, didn't get taken aboard the hype train. So when I picked it up recently for £20 I have rather enjoyed it, would not want to pay full price for it though.
Definately Fallout 4 for me to.

Compared to 3 the world was tiny and it had no replay value. Story was a bit short and didn't branch very much either.
Lots of votes for FO4, The Division, and Battlefront. I have enjoyed FO4 so far, not spectacular but fun. Not played division.

For me SW battlefront was so shallow and way over-rated. So much potential, esp coming from DICE.

FC primal may be over-rated from what I've seen but having not played I can only make an assumption.
Star Wars Battlefront for me. A game that promised so much, had an incredible amount of potential yet delivered nothing apart from eye candy. Very very disappointing.
Lots of votes for FO4, The Division, and Battlefront. I have enjoyed FO4 so far, not spectacular but fun. Not played division.

For me SW battlefront was so shallow and way over-rated. So much potential, esp coming from DICE.

FC primal may be over-rated from what I've seen but having not played I can only make an assumption.

Primal gets very average reviews. I've played a few hours and really like it. Nice change from cliqued bosses/stories and guns.
Fallout 4, Alien Isolation.

FO4 because it's simply a rehash of a game from 2008 with absolutely no attempt at decent textures. It looks awful and the fact that it pushes my system at 1440p is tantamount to how poorly optimised it is. As soon as it boots up to the options panel you just know it's based on the Skyrim engine. It optimises a lazy game studio milking the genre for all it's worth. I'm actually surprised that it doesn't have a 30fps cap.

Alien Isolation because of that stupid, stupid save system.

As for the guy moaning in the first page saying that FO4 has sold millions so how can it be overrated... Er that's the point, if no one bought it then it wouldn't be overrated it would just be pish.
Fallout 4, I have no idea why, It's not a bad game, I enjoyed it at first, but... I honestly don't know what it is, but I can't bring myself to go back to it. Had more urges to play Skyrim over the last few months than Fallout. I played it for about 2 weeks and never again.

Anyone else get that? Where you just suddenly lose all urge and desire to play something and have no idea why? I couldn't even list 5 bad things about the game, I even liked the graphics (performance was bad though but that's Bethesda's trademark, let's be honest).

At some point hopefully I can pick it up again and finish it/get some meaningful playthroughs of different skills/styles. But atm, just blergh, for no reason at all. :confused:

i'm exactly the same. I played it a lot for the first couple of weeks. I had to revert back about 3 hours after realizing I'd dropped my fav gun and it was the last save file with it.

I've tried on about 3 occasions to play again and every time I've alt + f4 in about 5 minutes.

It's not uninstalled and I hope one day I'll go at it again.
If we're going by the true meaning of "overrated", then Witcher 3 easily. Stuff like AC:S can't be truly overrated since the game was hated and ridiculed way before release.

Witcher 3, on the other hand, was hyped to no end but it doesn't quite deliver on many fronts IMO. It's touted as the best "RPG" ever yet has terrible levelling problems basically rendering the entire RPG premise of the game pointless. The exploration is unrewarding since most stuff you find you've already overlevelled by quite a margin. The animations are clunky and the UI is cluttered. The world is rather barren and sometimes looks like something from 2009, especially without SweetFX. I understand they might've bit a tad more than they could chew and had to give us cardboard foliage, water effects from 10 years ago and underwhelming lighting but showing a working title played by a bloke in front of a massive audience and then saying the game hasn't been downgraded because "you can't downgrade something that isn’t there" was a crap move from CDProjekt.

They've pulled the same stunt all the devs do, yet it's excused because it's CDProjekt. Just as you can't criticise the game without a bunch of people jumping at your throat because it's The Witcher. Still looks quite good, but nowhere near “teh best graphix eva”.

And why does a game praised so much for its writing have such a weak main storyline? It's completely overshadowed by the sidequests which still get boring over time as they become more and more predictable and, paired with levelling problems, simply unrewarding.

However, I really like the dialogues and I’m still enjoying my time with the game (haven’t played it for a while but I’ll definitely go back to it). Some elements about it are just plain impressive but other – not so much. It’s a good (definitely way above average) game but I’d be hard-pressed to find a better definition of overhyped among all the 2015 releases IMO. I much preferred the more compact nature of the Witcher 2 and its politics-driven plot was infinitely more interesting than the tired “save the woman and the world” trope we got in 3. Of course I genuinely understand why most people love the game but I also think my arguments are quite valid. I’m Polish and thus really happy the game’s been such an immense international success but, at the same time, I can’t overlook its glaring flaws in the light of all the hype surrounding it. I hope I won’t get ripped apart for this;p

I’d also mention MGSV but that game gets so much hate everywhere that I don’t feel I should. It’s superbly optimized, its graphics are consistently good and the stealth/gameplay mechanics are top-notch. On top of that, the amount of clever secrets, details and trademark Kojima quirks is mind boggling. People slate the game for being repetitive and having a weak story and I kinda agree. But then again, which game isn’t repetitive if you take a closer look? MGSV gives you so much weaponry and tactics you can use that I’m 54 hours in and still finding new things I can do. If you just use the same pistol over and over again and don’t experiment with the stuff you’re given then it’s bound to get repetitive a lot sooner. Even the most pointless things like the water pistol, posters or even a recording of a bloke struggling on the throne can be used to your advantage;p
It should’ve been better and I get the complaints but if this is Kojima at his worst, then I don’t mind all devs becoming the same.

There’s also Fallout 4 but I didn’t expect it to be brilliant so I guess I see it in a slightly different light. Had I anticipated perfection, I would’ve probably ended up equally disappointed as with The Witcher 3. All I know is that at 15 hours in I’ve barely touched the main quest and got hooked on building settlements, pimping out my power armor and exploring the map. The world feels more interesting and denser than The Witcher 3’s, exploration is more rewarding and combat is significantly better. Vanilla graphics are quite poor but it looks really good with custom textures and SweetFX. Can’t comment on the story yet since I’ve only done one storyline mission and a couple of sidequests so far. I’ve yet to see if it manages to hold my attention for longer.

Excuse the lengthy pontifications, brevity is hardly my forte:p Then again, I post a lot less lately so I guess this evens things out:D
That's another one. Disliked the Go-Karting immensely.

I like project cars, although I also hate karting but I was expecting to replace the other sims I play with it's pretty graphics and great selection of cars and tracks. But it just doesn't feel as good as Assesto Corse, IRacing or Automobilsta.
I like project cars, although I also hate karting but I was expecting to replace the other sims I play with it's pretty graphics and great selection of cars and tracks. But it just doesn't feel as good as Assesto Corse, IRacing or Automobilsta.

There is a good selection, but the ffb, feel of the tracks and cars is just plain crap
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