Most over-rated game of the past 12 months?

I know the signs were there from an early point (and the beta pretty much confirmed it) but I'm going with Star Wars Battlefront too - what a criminal waste of a great engine.

I cancelled my pre-order after the beta but then kept checking back on my son's copy to see if it had somehow been made right with a patch... now it's a ghost-game with hardly anyone playing (on the PC at least) and an official forum full of bitter players determined to wring some value out of it after paying for the DLC up front.

The fact that the execs responsible for lobotomising it are probably sat laughing on their new yachts, thinking they've done a good thing because it sold loads is just insult to injury.

I know you can point to EA's history and say it should have been obvious but... it's Star Wars...
Very well put. Was hugely excited for this game, but ultimately felt let down by a shooter that I thought was designed with the casual player a little too much in mind.

Agreed, I now play it casually from time to time, usually early hours after a night shift for 30minutes or so prior to bed, it's great for that 30 minutes but I'm soon ready for bed, kind of sums it up.

A fantastic opportunity well missed by EA.
Personally, the Division, nothing to do with what it looked like(actually impressed tbh with the gfx/performance all things considered after the downgrade), I was just left so disappointed after the gameplay of the betas.
Fallout 4 by a country mile, put 29 hours into it and most were a real effort in an attempt to give it a chance.

While not totally accurate the best way I can describe it is as a 'Skyrim re-skin with no soul', the FO4 we got was about 5 years too late and offered nothing that could have lived up to the hype it had.
MGS 5 - Awful gun play and boring :(

Fallout 4 - Just feels utterly generic and dull.

I was going to say The Division as it just didn't do it for me, very repetitive but I did mange to rack up about 20hrs.

SW Battlefront was a missed opportunity, great gfx and sound but shallow gameplay but it keeps bringing me back for a few rounds now and then.
I don't know if it was the most over-rated (though certainly the main gaming sites lavished it with praise and very few called it on it's faults however I think the general sentiment among gamers was broadly in line with my own) but Fallout 4 was definitely the most disappointing game I've played in a long time, I didn't even bother completing it I became that fed up with the go here kill everything setup.
Fallout 4 which is real shame as loved the previous games.

Iike many I put 30+ hours in but I found it a chore to play (and the settlements .... Urrgghh) compared to something like dying light which has a fantastic movement and combat system FO4 felt very out of date.

A real real shame.
I think the main problem with Fallout 4 is not that it's a bad game, but more that its simply nowhere near 8 years ahead of Fallout 3.
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