Most ridiculous world cup merchandising

18 Oct 2002
Riding my bike
In G.D due to the general nature of the thread....

In my local co-op I bought a lettuce - IN A BAG DESIGNED TO LOOK LIKE A FOOTBALL !

Now what on earth does a lettuce have to do with the flipping world cup !

You challenge is to find a less related item branded with the 2006 world cup....

I seriously believe that the world cup has got more to do with businesses, advertising and branding than kicking a football around....
Its shaped like a ball. Does it need to be more than that? :/

Don't think I even have anything branded for this WC.
Its all money.....

Every ticket on the black market is a corporate one. The few dozen they deem to sell to real fans all have names printed on, and the fan then has to carry a passport or similar to prove their ID.

Was the lettuce more expensive btw?
Radiation said:
I think all this sort of stuff is a joke, they make out like its a big deal but its really not its just another pointless themed occasion.

To you maybe, but to others its not, you can't possible speak on behalf of everyone when you say that.
The Pat said:
Theres the football shaped cokes, that are more expense and hold less than cans.

At a local shop i goto they have just got in some new glass coke bottles with world cup sponsors on them, cost £1 and dont have half as much as a 75p bottle, absoluete joke, still bought one though :rolleyes:
CDj-Rossi said:
To you maybe, but to others its not, you can't possible speak on behalf of everyone when you say that.

So? I said "I think" which is opinion so your comment becomes a bit pointless as i know that not everyone agrees but many do no doubt.

I also think fake over hyping and themed stuff for an event/occasion especially a "big" one somewhat cheapens it and then it feels like just another money grabbing exercise.
Radiation said:
I think all this sort of stuff is a joke, they make out like its a big deal but its really not its just another pointless themed occasion.

Whats more hilarious is that people think England are always going to win.
Its in anything and everything, i mean whats a no win no fee claim company or a car insurance company got to do with the WC, but they still manage to get it in there.
There was a funny little artical on the BBC web site about world cup merchandising. My favourite was a T-shirt for Dutch supporters with "I want my bicycle back" printed on the front :).

They were also selling Plastic WWII replica german army helemts in Orange. A bit tasteless yes, but oh so funny.......
the flags on cars are getting crazy around where i live its like 2 in 3 cars have them on now. on all 4 windows!!
I love the fact Mars, Barclays and other companies have these adverts basically saying, "We're backing England!". But they've also got them in several other countries saying "We're backing <insert country name>!".

Cheap. :/
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