In G.D due to the general nature of the thread....
In my local co-op I bought a lettuce - IN A BAG DESIGNED TO LOOK LIKE A FOOTBALL !
Now what on earth does a lettuce have to do with the flipping world cup !
You challenge is to find a less related item branded with the 2006 world cup....
I seriously believe that the world cup has got more to do with businesses, advertising and branding than kicking a football around....
In my local co-op I bought a lettuce - IN A BAG DESIGNED TO LOOK LIKE A FOOTBALL !
Now what on earth does a lettuce have to do with the flipping world cup !
You challenge is to find a less related item branded with the 2006 world cup....
I seriously believe that the world cup has got more to do with businesses, advertising and branding than kicking a football around....