i have the p180 very simlar. what fans do you have in the top sectiopn at the moment do you have the 2 at back and top and the one at front ? that should be plnety if you do ? i asume they all blowing correct way ? front in back 2 out ? did you use the fans that came with the case i think they are adjustavble ?
I am thinking of adding one fan to the mid bay for the graphics card. The graphics card expels hot air downwards (8800GTS). So i am guessing thats the reason?
i think the best place for the fans is one at front 2 at back at the top. if you are using the fans they supplied ar eyou running them at full speed ? as i think they are adjustable ?
that system temp doess seem a little high at 51 especially if that was at idle, the fact it has dropped is good with the fans on full. still you shouldnt need to run them on full all time i dont think. dont know if anyone else on here has that board and can check thers for comparison ?
Sounds like the motherboard and CPU temps have been mixed up, the same happened on my Dads 3GHZ PC. (e.g. motherboard could reach: 50-60 & CPU: 30-40 which isn't right for a Prescott with stock cooling ).
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