Moto X+1... let the hype-beasting begin!

Finally gave in and ordered one to replace my Nexus 5.

Well done - you know it makes sense :D

No Mate it's still stuck in Shenzhen, China since the 11th awaiting clearance maybe the Orange accents on the phone are too much for customs over there! ;)

It's apparently due to be delivered next Thurs though so I just have to keep my fingers crossed that it arrives by then or maybe earlier if I'm lucky.

How are you finding the phone?

Stoosh, is you Moto X any nearer?

I removed the glass screen protector as dust was starting to get between the the glass and the phone glass around the edges due to them not sticking down. Fitted the Skinomi Tech skin. Went on easily enough and has fitted very well. Quite smooth but there is a very slight hint of tackiness. Overall it's fairly good. Downside - you can feel an edge when you slide your finger off the edge. This is more noticable as you seem to do the former opening the lollipop style menu on the left edge. Bare you have the curved glass which gives the phone a nice feel. Would prefer a glass screen protector that fitted but the air gap all round the edges seems to be the norm. I think unless one that has a similar edge curve to the new Moto X is developed then the only glass one that will sit down properly will have to be slightly smaller than the whole screen.

I forgot to say that the iLLumiShield screen protectors arrived. Three in a packet. First one went on well ... until I realized it was on upside down :o I then proceeded to get a finger print mark on the underside of the skin and ruin it. Second one fitted not so bad but having got it set down and air bubbles pushed out I removed the outer layer of protective cover and lifted the whole thing up after which a couple of dust specs got under and it'd not sit down properly again. This was in a 'moist' bathroom! That is when I fitted the Skinomi.

I'll see how the skinomi goes. Not really that keen. Something has marked the 'skin' already :mad: Half tempted to use nothing and treat with Crystalusion. Used in the past and does help with fine scratching .... I think :confused:

Otherwise I'm really liking the the new Moto X. Motorola have made it pretty efficient regards battery drain. Quite a bit better than the old X. Even got used to the size :D Doesn't feel so big now and old moto x feels small.

Being on Three I've always had the little '3' icon top left of the notification bar. Presume this is for peeps who forget what network they're on :D Found by accident that if you go into settings-more-mobile networks and third item down 'show mobile network' and uncheck it and it's gone from notification bar YAY. I'm probably the only person who hasn't noticed this!
Got the phone, very happy.

When's 5.0 hitting?

Nothing firm as regards when. Some issues have come light possibly according to some who have upgraded. Think they have got the file off of the internet rather being pushed out by Moto though.

I'll see how others fair once it is pushed out before installing, as currently my Moto X is running really nicely. Other question is do you do a factory reset before upgrading? I may do so myself this time.
@Richy888 The phone arrived yesterday and is a thing of beauty. It's only slightly bigger than the Nexus 5 and the battery life is slightly better.

Build quality is great and the phone is nice and weighty HOWEVER the AMOLED screen is extremely saturated and the colours are unnatural.

Voice quality is also poor and voices on the other end sound over processed. Web browsing is also choppy and slightly laggy so......after battling to get through Motorola support I'm sending the phone back for refund. It's a good phone but just not for me.

Shame as I was really looking forward to it as well.
Stoosh. Hell fire, that is a shame. TBH I've no complaints with voice quality and found it very good. That said I've read one or two had complaints about in call voice, mostly volume. Mine has been ok and better than the previous Moto X which was also good. Only one 'contact' where voice isn't so good .... his phone has been seriously abused and held together with sellotape.

As to web browsing then I've noticed no choppiness other than sometimes can be slow to load due to slow/weak 3g signal. I use Opera as find its text wrapping/text reflow to be very good and about the only one that works. Well Dolphin does too (mostly) but prefer Opera.

Oh well, no matter. Are you going to try a Nexus 6 next :D
@Richy888 The phone arrived yesterday and is a thing of beauty. It's only slightly bigger than the Nexus 5 and the battery life is slightly better.

Build quality is great and the phone is nice and weighty HOWEVER the AMOLED screen is extremely saturated and the colours are unnatural.

Voice quality is also poor and voices on the other end sound over processed. Web browsing is also choppy and slightly laggy so......after battling to get through Motorola support I'm sending the phone back for refund. It's a good phone but just not for me.

Shame as I was really looking forward to it as well.

I'm surprised to hear that.

I received mine today and it's extremely smooth, even on the extreme websites it doesn't lag, whereas my s5 did.

I've also found that I'm getting better reception than any other phone I've owned and call quality is very clear.

I'm not doubting your experience at all, but I wonder if there was a slight fault or glitch somewhere.

Anyway despite the criticism about the amoled screens motorola use which concerned me, I have to say I'm impressed. The uniformity is very good especially at low brightness and dark shades which is where amoled usually falls down. I'd agree that the screen on the moto x is defintely saturated compared to say basic mode on a samsung device but I still prefer the moto x display as it is versus any lcd. I prefer an inaccurate amoled image versus an accurate ips display with backlight bleed and grey blacks.

I'm getting a nexus 6 but will not be getting rid of this until I'm happy with the nexus 6 as the example I've got is very good and I'm a compulsive exchanger/refunder and can spot a fault in anything and then end up exchanging several, not being happy and then getting a refund :D Although I've not found much to complain about....yet
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One random thing though that I've just noticed. I've plugged headphones in and the jack doesn't go all the way in, is that normal? I don't want to push too hard incase I break something

Hadn't noticed until you mentioned it but mine sticks out slightly more than it did on the old moto x. To put it in perspective there is slightly more than 1mm gap showing between top of socket and plastic jack holder on new X and approx 0.5mm on old X. TBH I've never taken any notice. The jack does 'click' once fully home in socket.
@Richy888 Yeah it is a shame as I really liked the device but due to the issues that I highlighted before I had to unfortunately return the device.

I don't like the idea of the Nexus 6 it's too big for me so I've bought a Z3 instead.

I really liked the Z3c and I thought that it would be a nicer progression.
@Richy888 Yeah it is a shame as I really liked the device but due to the issues that I highlighted before I had to unfortunately return the device.

I don't like the idea of the Nexus 6 it's too big for me so I've bought a Z3 instead.

I really liked the Z3c and I thought that it would be a nicer progression.

You may have got a faulty one? As I've said call quality on mine is top notch with more than enough volume. Even though I'm a little deaf I have the in call volume cranked down to approx 75% on the slider bar. Tried Chrome browser too as it's installed and it was as slick as Opera. No lagging.

I did fancy a Nexus 6 in the early 'rumour' days but once the size was announced I lost any interest I had. I've no doubt it'll be a good phone but just too big for my use.

I was on the fence about the new Moto X '14 when it was announced. Wasn't sure it'd be a little too big and was sure with only a slightly larger battery and a lot bigger screen of higher res it was going to be sucked dry before the end of the day. Hasn't been the case. With similar daily use battery is quite a bit better. Standby use is a lot better too .. subject to signal I think. I've even got used to the size :D

I've taken the Skinomi Tech Skin off. It fitted fairly well and although not as smooth as glass, wasn't too tacky. I thought it did degrade the display image which seemed quite noticeable when I took it off and the edges of the skin felt slightly rough/sharp. That alone was annoying enough. Bought a cheap glass one off ebay and fitted that. Doesn't stick down properly around the edges (though better than the one I got off Amazon) but is clear and smooth. Spoils the look of the phone when it's off but does afford some protection.
Hey, £300-something. Whatever. Pretty much means free trim and memory upgrade. I got time to weight all my options in the meanwhile.

lol, I was referring to your 'below' comment :)

Should bring it below my ceiling of £300

The price drop has caught my interest too, especially now, even with 32GB and extra trim, it should stay below £400, the same price as the 16GB non-trim versions available elsewhere :)
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