Moto X+1... let the hype-beasting begin!

£40 for +16GB upgrade? LOL!

Still wondering if it's even actually necessary. 64GB, I would have taken the bait. But no idea how much room one needs on a phone. 16GB sounds like a lot already. And with Google+, all that stuff would be cloud-synched (and no, I don't take nude selfies, so no privacy worries).
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£40 for +16GB upgrade? LOL!

Still wondering if it's even actually necessary. 64GB, I would have taken the bait. But no idea how much room one needs on a phone. 16GB sounds like a lot already. And with Google+, all that stuff would be cloud-synched (and no, I don't take nude selfies, so no privacy worries).

I'm of the same mind. I've had my 16GB Nexus 4 for close to two years now and I've still got circa 3GB 'free'. But I do not have any music stored on it whatsoever.

I don't quite understand how I have over 3GB of pictures stored on there as I can't actually access them without a data connection (the replacement of the stock Gallery app with the Photos app in Android 5.0 appears to have brought this about). So I'm also undecided about the storage I'll need if Google is going down the 'mandatory everything in the cloud' line.
Any news on the UK Turbo Chargers? I see on the Moto Maker website the Moto X only has the option of a standard white charger (it's not listed as a turbo variant, thus I assume it isn't).
What a surprise, there's now a load of codes on eBay! Luckily I got one this morning because I actually want to use it rather than profit from it.
Try this - it's a spare I have

Thanks. Google somehow thought it'd be wise to flag the code email as 'spam' :(

I compared the Moto-X, with the OnePlus One. The OnePlus is just a big too big for my taste (hard to reach the top part of the phone), but it was really, really tempting. £265, twice the memory, cheaper, really nice piece of kit.

Anyway, I Yolo'd a MotoX, and pimped it out. It's the right size and will do just fine.

I went traditional : Ebony + Bronze (looks a bit like that in my head).


EDIT : And yeah, it seems the estimated delivery / build time is indeed about two weeks. That's gonna real close to my holiday departure :)
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And it was swiftly followed by a SMS from DHL asking if i wanted it delivering to their local 'dropoff point', which is really handy as i'll be in work when its delivered and their dropoff point is 5 mins from work - happy days.
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