Moto X+1... let the hype-beasting begin!

Anyone else found that even if your phone is on 'No notifications' i.e. silent, 'priority notifications' and vibrate, if you use Moto Voice (i.e. the always on Google Now) it turns everything onto 'loud'? The notification state will still show as active, but if you look at the notification volumes they go from silent/vibrate to loud.

It's crap.
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I've been having some issues with my phone, unsure if it's the phone, Android 5 or settings.

  • Bluetooth sometimes just doesn't connect
  • Calls dropping with the phone having signal
  • Since 5.0 sometimes when I ring someone, I get a robotic scramble and I have to end the call
  • Cannot answer calls when the phone is locked sometimes, I have to unlock before I can answer

Off the top of my head. Anyone have similar or know if any of there are known about issues?
Not had those probs either.

I have call dropping for some time. Signal was always pretty good. I've now changed from Three to Vodafone and that issue has gone away. Not the the phones fault I guess.

You may have a faulty Moto X. If you've not done so already i then reset the phone and maybe wipe the cache whilst your on might be worth a try?
I've just had the touch screen refuse to work when the alarm was going off at full pelt! Not able to turn the alarm off or down or anything without resetting the phone.

That is not good.
Sorry to see your having probs with your X and returned it. I've been very pleased with mine. No issues with the Lollipop upgrade and all seems to work as it should, or at least the features of the Moto I actually use.

If I was in same position and returned my Moto X '14 I'm not sure what I'd consider? Like the looks of the Nexus 6 but it looks way to big for my use. Moto X is as big as I'd want. As it is it seemed huge after the original Moto X (2013) but seem to have got used to it. Liking the bigger display. Battery has improved but think this is partly down to my switch to Vodafone and their strong signal in my area. Had a week when local mast was down and received a weaker 2g and sometimes no signal. This really nailed the battery. By mid afternoon there wasn't a great deal of battery left. Back up now and battery easily sees me through the day.

Not got the fall back of my old Moto X as a family member has 'borrowed' it whilst their Samsung phone is repaired.
What's the battery life on the 2014 X? The battery life on the 2013 is really quite ******.

Personally find it good enough to get through the day ..... BUT..... depends on your usage. Compared to the original Moto X it is better but my old X used to get through most days. I have had over 5hours screen on time with the new MotoX but in truth half the time I never worry about it and most days my average SOT will be 1 to 2 hours.

Since it was upgraded to Lollipop it will have the odd day when it seems to hammer the battery. No reason why but if I reboot the phone every 2 or 3 days it no longer happens. Think it's a Lollipop thing.
Hey guys,

Getting a bit sick of OnePlus' customer support (or lack of!). Thinking about getting a Moto X 2014 on the April Fool's day deal they have going at the moment in the US.

Two quick questions:
  • There was some talk of battery life above - has this changed at all with the recent updates? The OPO battery is amazing, so I'm loathe to give up all that capacity...
  • What are the leather backs like? I don't use a case, so will it get scratched pretty easily?
  • Any other quirks I should be aware of?


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