Motorola Droid Pro

2 Feb 2009
Anyone know if this is coming to the UK?

Found an article stating it would be released in the US on the 18th November but nothing else..

Recently sold my Desire and would like a phone with a physical qwerty. Would get a BB but don't really fancy paying extra for the BB email etc. This seems to fit the bill ok.
Anyone know if this is coming to the UK?

Found an article stating it would be released in the US on the 18th November but nothing else..

Recently sold my Desire and would like a phone with a physical qwerty. Would get a BB but don't really fancy paying extra for the BB email etc. This seems to fit the bill ok.

Moto seem to be doing there best to avoiding the UK market.

Of the top of my head in USA they have there flagship models:

Driod 2
Droid X
Driod Pro

Where all we have on the UK market is the orginal milestone.

Have you had a look at the HTC Desire Z? might be perfect for what you want.
The Desire Z seems ok. Though I prefer the bar form factor, like the BB's. With Android OS and a touch screen too, it would be win. :(
The Desire Z seems ok. Though I prefer the bar form factor, like the BB's. With Android OS and a touch screen too, it would be win. :(

It seems to be a rare form factor that the high end devices seem to want to stay away from because i guess traditionally they are associated with dumb phones.

Having a play with a Palm Pre if they beef up the hardware for the Palm Pre 2 that would be a nice device. The screen is a bit on the small side but Web OS was very slick and easy to use.

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