Mouse Problem - not the PC mouse unfortuntely

15 Dec 2002
Over the past 2 weeks I have noticed quite a few mice appearing. I am a big chicken and I jump at the sight of them. I have killed 2 in about 3 days and seen at least 1 more - worryingly they were smallish baby mice.

I bought a plug-in mouse repeller device for £30 from B&Q which emits ultrasonic waves. Is something like this safe for pregnant women? It does say it is only audible for rodents and not humans or cats/dogs. Live catch and glue traps are a no, the other snap traps that allow easy disposal seem ok. Had 2 large mice dead about 2 weeks ago.

I don't want to call in Rentokil because they will just put down poison which will mean that the mice will die somewhere hidden and stink up the place.

I may have to consider it though as a last resort.
We sorted our mouse problem with the old snap-traps and some peanut butter. The mice started off small so I guess they'd nested up somewhere nearby.

15 mice and 2 weeks later and we haven't had any return since (touch wood!) We'd set the trap before going to bed and within 5 minutes we'd hear it snap! Managed to catch two in the same trap once, and another time we caught one in the trap and found another one lying dead next to it. I reckon it was suicide ;)

Oh and our cat was USELESS at catching them. It was more interested in playing with them!

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