Over the past 2 weeks I have noticed quite a few mice appearing. I am a big chicken and I jump at the sight of them. I have killed 2 in about 3 days and seen at least 1 more - worryingly they were smallish baby mice.
I bought a plug-in mouse repeller device for £30 from B&Q which emits ultrasonic waves. Is something like this safe for pregnant women? It does say it is only audible for rodents and not humans or cats/dogs. Live catch and glue traps are a no, the other snap traps that allow easy disposal seem ok. Had 2 large mice dead about 2 weeks ago.
I don't want to call in Rentokil because they will just put down poison which will mean that the mice will die somewhere hidden and stink up the place.
I may have to consider it though as a last resort.
Over the past 2 weeks I have noticed quite a few mice appearing. I am a big chicken and I jump at the sight of them. I have killed 2 in about 3 days and seen at least 1 more - worryingly they were smallish baby mice.
I bought a plug-in mouse repeller device for £30 from B&Q which emits ultrasonic waves. Is something like this safe for pregnant women? It does say it is only audible for rodents and not humans or cats/dogs. Live catch and glue traps are a no, the other snap traps that allow easy disposal seem ok. Had 2 large mice dead about 2 weeks ago.
I don't want to call in Rentokil because they will just put down poison which will mean that the mice will die somewhere hidden and stink up the place.
I may have to consider it though as a last resort.