Moving from TalkTalk LLU to Sky LLU - couple of questions.

29 Dec 2003
Newcastle upon Tyne
Hi guys, hope you can help.

I'm currently with TalkTalk paying £27 for line rental, anytime calls and unlimited internet and I'm very happy with the service however Sky have just LLU enabled my exchange and their line rental, anytime calls and unlimited broadband is £17 per month. I've got a couple of questions regarding Sky, can any of the Sky users here answer them please?

How is Sky's customer support? The TalkTalk members forums is fantastic when you have a problem and it's something I want to be on-par with if moving to Sky.

Can you change your line profile with Sky?

How easy is it to obtain your ADSL username & password from the current shipping Sky router? I won't be moving if it's not possible to do this, I'm very loyal to my Billion 7800N :p

That's about it, thanks chaps :)
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- How is Sky's customer support?
Quite good I guess for a British company these days. If you ring in the day it's generally UK staff. After hours you get a foreigner who just repeats what you say for 20 minutes and don't have a clue. However, they do have a Forum which is quite active and there are a few core staff members on there that are very helpful and good to respond.

- Can you change your line profile with Sky?

- How easy is it to obtain your ADSL username & password from the current shipping Sky router?
Very easy, use this website -

Hope that helps. :)
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