Moving into a flat , internet

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
Do broadband speeds and isp choices make a difference in the place you live?. If you saw a nice flat/house but you could only have dial up or 1mbit and you was on a higher speed currently would you still go for it or wait ?
I saw a nice flat but it only has adsl and llu talk talk , i'm currently on adsl+2 with sky at 4meg. The adsl of the flat apparantly is upto 6 but this is upto and not certified , if the flat's have bad wiring it could be a lot lower. You also don't get 6 , it could just be what it connects at so 3 if that
Being in a cable area is certainly a plus point. Luckily the area I was looking at is all cabled so it didn't really matter in the end (offer was accepted yesterday, woot!).
Make sure you can get mobile phone reception in the flat as well as that should also be a consideration.

But yes, I would not go for anywhere without access to decent internet.
I don't need my current 50mb speeds but dial up would be a complete no no and I'd want to be able to stream skyplayer or similar with no problems.
it's a pretty big factor, but then it depends what you use the net for.
around 6mb minimum, otherwise I would wait if possible.

Last place was meant to be around 8mb, actual was 3-3.5mb and that was just to slow.
I need strong mobile signal as well as decent BB speed (> 4 meg).

They're strong considerations but not show stoppers.
Pretty much one of main factors, i'm used to having the highest VM speeds available, i'd be willing to take a hit on it if I really liked the place but it would have to be 8mb+ and that would be depressing
Yep, I'm looking at moving and its a big factor for me. When I go to look around I'll randomly get my phone out of my pocket and make sure I've got a strong signal, can't be dealing with crap signal!
I used to think it would be years ago, I had visions of moving somewhere that had high speed broadband. The first house I bought was in a cable area back when 10mbit was a big deal.

But nowadays the answer is no, not really. My current house just has your bog standard ADSL max product and I get 5.5mbit down and 0.8mbit up. There is no Cable, no LLU and no FTTC. And I'm much happier living here than in the city with flashy internet and troublesome neighbours.

To be honest whether I have 5mbit or 50mbit doesn't make a massive difference to my life anymore, I can download stuff overnight and as long as I have good ping for gaming then I'm happy with the connection. I'm a geek yet still there are much bigger priorities in my life as to whether some movie takes 5 hours to download or 30mins.

Likewise mobile signal is terrible here and in at least half the house I have no signal. If I'm in bed and want to send a text I have to sit up and hold the phone up in the air until it connects to the network.
Very much depends on area more than anything. I'm on a slow connection now (1.5mb) and the house I'm moving into will probably have a slow connection, though I'm hoping for a bit of an improvement. I've had new telephone wiring put in internally, networked every room etc, and am going to give be a try.

It'd be nice for it to be faster, but the fact is unless I move to a more urban area, it'll probably be slow :(
Oh absolutely, I wasn't suggesting that the two (nice area and nice internet) are mutually exclusive, just a personal anecdote based on my experience really. In other words saying that while good internet is desirable it is not as important in the pecking order as other factors.
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