Hiya all.
Small issue here.
No matter what I do in the BIOS, the RAM always runs at the same as the CPU.
( Dont give me all this "Theres no FSB anymore" crud, you know what I mean )
Basically, if I set the CPU's FSB to 250, the RAM also runs at 250, set it to 200, the ram runs at 200. I have set it to everythign under the sun, and according to CPUZ, the RAM is always runnign the same as the CPU!
Now, at the moment, I am running a pair of Corsair XMS4400 Platinums, and thats fine theyhave run all the way to 300, so I am not worriedabout them.
The thing is, that I have a set of 4x1GB Samsung which are in another box, but these are only capable of 200 ( DDR400 then, dont argue )
I tried a pair of these, and I tried to keep them at 200, but as soon as I started to clock the PC, they too would get clocked.... I managed like 210FSB out of them to be fair.
So, my choices are simple. Either clock as far as I want to with the Corsair ( Runs peachy at 2.7Ghz ) but stick at 1GB, or, Stay stock and use 4GB.
I really want to be able to run the CPU @ 250 as I have been doing in this and its previous board (MSI K8N Plat ) 24/7, but keep the RAM to 200FSB?
You loot seem to be able to do it, why cant I?
Another option could be to go half way I suppose and this is also somethign thats been playing on my mind, and that is that I have 2 sets of RAM, both Corsair XMS4400, one pair is TwinX and the other is Platinum. The TwinX is in my DFI at this time, running a Newcastle @ 2.6, however, the OCZ I have in the ECS NForce will happily go into the DFI and let me keep the CPU @ 2.6 and the RAM @ 200 ( See, I can do it in the DFI! ).
Anyway, what I am saying on that score, is that the Samsung is single sided and the Corsair is double... I cant run all 4 sticks of corsair can I?
I fancied doing this on the Neo2 but chickened out as the RAM apparently will kill somethign as they are double sided and I need them to run above 333
I am confused????
Small issue here.
No matter what I do in the BIOS, the RAM always runs at the same as the CPU.
( Dont give me all this "Theres no FSB anymore" crud, you know what I mean )
Basically, if I set the CPU's FSB to 250, the RAM also runs at 250, set it to 200, the ram runs at 200. I have set it to everythign under the sun, and according to CPUZ, the RAM is always runnign the same as the CPU!
Now, at the moment, I am running a pair of Corsair XMS4400 Platinums, and thats fine theyhave run all the way to 300, so I am not worriedabout them.
The thing is, that I have a set of 4x1GB Samsung which are in another box, but these are only capable of 200 ( DDR400 then, dont argue )
I tried a pair of these, and I tried to keep them at 200, but as soon as I started to clock the PC, they too would get clocked.... I managed like 210FSB out of them to be fair.
So, my choices are simple. Either clock as far as I want to with the Corsair ( Runs peachy at 2.7Ghz ) but stick at 1GB, or, Stay stock and use 4GB.
I really want to be able to run the CPU @ 250 as I have been doing in this and its previous board (MSI K8N Plat ) 24/7, but keep the RAM to 200FSB?
You loot seem to be able to do it, why cant I?
Another option could be to go half way I suppose and this is also somethign thats been playing on my mind, and that is that I have 2 sets of RAM, both Corsair XMS4400, one pair is TwinX and the other is Platinum. The TwinX is in my DFI at this time, running a Newcastle @ 2.6, however, the OCZ I have in the ECS NForce will happily go into the DFI and let me keep the CPU @ 2.6 and the RAM @ 200 ( See, I can do it in the DFI! ).
Anyway, what I am saying on that score, is that the Samsung is single sided and the Corsair is double... I cant run all 4 sticks of corsair can I?
I fancied doing this on the Neo2 but chickened out as the RAM apparently will kill somethign as they are double sided and I need them to run above 333
I am confused????