Muse's new album

28 Mar 2004
oh dear oh dear oh dear. The name of the 4th album has been released

"Black Holes and Revelations"

and the new single

"Supermassive Black Hole"

Am I the only one dissapointed with these titles. The album title might be ok, but because the single is so rubishly named it just looses effect!

Anyway, its out soon woohoo so I won't judge it just on the name yet. :p
Let's hope that the titles are very very misleading.....

I think they are pants titles. I thought someone with Bellamy's ability could come up with better ones.
As long as there isn't a song called 'The Time Warp' I'll be happy as long as the music remains as good as the previous albums if not better.
Matt continues the musical journey up his own arse. This album looks set to out do the pretention reached in Absolution.
woohoo, 2 of my favourite bands in 2 years set to disappear up their own collective arses. joy.

i do hope this album isn't Muse's Frances The Mute (last nail in the coffin)
King4aDay said:
Give it another album and Muse will actually be The Darkness.
I don't even know where your coming from there.... the two bands have just about nothing in common except the falsetto (sp?) voices and they play 'rock' music.

This album is going to be Muse's 'Garage Rock' or 'Kid A' album from what I hear. Blimey, out of the two please be the latter...
Who cares about names, if you wanna talk names look no further name NINTENDO. I mean jeez :\

Zefan said:
Who cares about names, if you wanna talk names look no further name NINTENDO. I mean jeez :\


Muse rocked. Past tense. Now they kind of SMFB.
Phoenix211 said:
not really. Hysteria, stockholm syndrome, TSP...all of them great rock songs that are brilliant!

that's 3 songs. only one of them is one that i agree with. i thought absolution was the biggest load of self-indulgent crap i've ever heard. i can't see Mr Bellamy pulling his head out of his ass anytime soon, but i hope he does :)
Lovejoy! said:
Nitefly said:
I don't even know where your coming from there.... the two bands have just about nothing in common except the falsetto (sp?) voices and they play 'rock' music...
I think he was referring more to the front men of the two bands, and the way in which they carry themselves more then the music itself. Both are for the most part arrogant and pretentious, and see their own music as being something more than it really is.
Do you people think Matt Bellamy is arrogant and pretentious because of an interview they have seen or is it because of what he does on stage? I think most frontmen are a bit up themselves, although Justin Hawkins takes it to a whole new level, I've never seen Bellamy up his music anywhere near as much as Hawkins. Hawkins was doing it before the Darkness had hit their peak. I still remember their awful cover of Street Spirit on some BBC music program.
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Big Chris said:
I think he was referring more to the front men of the two bands, and the way in which they carry themselves more then the music itself. Both are for the most part arrogant and pretentious, and see their own music as being something more than it really is.
I have never thought of him as being arrogant, though I suppose to some extent he must be. What gives this oppinion of him to you?
But why do you think he is arrogant and cocky, is it his antics on stage or him talking about the band during interviews?

To be honest, I've seen a fair share of interviews and he doesn't come across as being cocky or arrogant and neither do the other two guys in the band. So it must be down to what he does on stage, or is it his lyrics?

I've seen Justin Hawkins during an interview say "I started guitar lessons with a teacher and practiced a lot at home. By the end of the year I was teaching him to play guitar." :eek:
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I saw a DVD of them pratting about and he just seems arrogant generally but as I said he is ace so he's allowed to be like this a little otherwise he'd just be boring. Nothing else I've seen him do is that bad, he's just a front man that has character, a good one too!
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