Music in ears whilst riding?

I've never even considered trying it but a friend I ride with swears by it. IIRC he uses some ~£10-15 in ear Sony things bought from the high street and I've never heard him say a bad word against them.

I'd guess you need to spend enough to get OK build quality but not too much as decent sound quality will be wasted with bike/wind noise in the background.
I've done it a few times but never really felt fully comfortable.

I often considered helmet speakers, as it would block out less noise, but never got around to it and I don't commute by bike very often anymore. Maybe I'll try them in the summer.

I always used to when commuting 40m a day (6 years worth), but found with Akras fitted and wind noise, you really needed to crank it up and I actually started to develop tinnitus.

Not avisable for that reason!

I don't bother for that reason now. Plus now I like to listen to the bit V-twin growling!

Bloody hell! Where have you been?! (I was most likely going by Mohinder when you were last active)
I suppose that's what I want though. I have some very good noise isolating earphones, and I hated wearing them on the bike because they were too good, I couldn't hear anything except music, and it made me feel dangerously detached.

With headphones, I know the music wouldn't sound very good, but I'd be able to hear what was going on, feel like I knew where I was at, and still have a little background noise to stave off boredom. In a car I'll actually *listen* to music, but all I want on a bike is a bit of noise that isn't BRRRRRRR sometimes.
I use Sennheiser CX 200 in ear, great as you don't need it too loud and can still hear the bike and other road users, usually just t my DHD on shuffle and off I go, unfortunately my missus has put some Michael Bubble and other stuff on it so now I get Christmas songs every now and again.

My F650 with an Arrow on it is so flippin loud anyway, without earphones I'd need earplugs
Tried doing this a few times on longer journeys and never got on with it, the plugs wouldnt stay in my ears right. Not tried it since i got a pair for running with, they will be better.

I wear earplugs mostly now, buts thats just to block out my terrible singing :D
Must admit, with the wind and bike noise, you would have to have your music pretty loud anyway. Just get a goldwing with a huge radio ;)
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