Some for ya
Ramadan, basically to teach people about self sacrifice, and to celebrate the `writing` of the koran
Eid ul fitr, clebration of the end of ramadan above, basically an all u can eat day!
Eid ul adha, an event to commemorate the time when abraham nearlt sacrificed his one and only son, to demonstrate faith to allah, on this day we sacrifice an animal and ither share it with the poor or friends/family/neighbours.
Hajj, a pilgrimage to mecca (not the bingo

) which every muslim has to do once in a life time.
Prayer, we should pray 5 times a day, once in the morning, midday,mid afters,evening and night.
The problem we muslims in the uk have is not one of religion, infact there are verses in the koran, which tell u to respect the laws of which ever land u are in and to integrate fully with peeps around u, to gain education etc. The prophet (pbuh) when he introduced islam to foreign lands, let the `natives` still practice their own religion, infact some of the most scientific/astronomical/medical advances were taken place when the arabs,greeks,spaniards,hindu`s worked together, for ex the no 0, was worked between the arabs and hindus. we havent always been the nutters that we seem to be portrayed as.
What has been to our detriment, is the tradition/cultural baggage, some peeps seem to be carrying from areas like pak/india,not cos of the religion, its difficult to explain