My baby thread.

31 Jan 2004
Matakana New Zealand
Well, i've known for about a month now, i'm going to be a dad (hopefully).
I've not said anything yet because we've suffered from 3 early miscarriages (all at 8 weeks or before). I suppose i'm pushing it now at 9 weeks but the chances of miscarriage are much less now.
Anyway, due to our pregnancy history, we get weekly scans and have the oppertunity to go up to Newcastle and have tests done to check for any abnormalities which we are going to take. Still, i am really nervous when we go to the hospital and wait for the scan to show the baby but it was a relief this morning to see it's little heart beating and it's legs and arms moving about :D
The birth is expected on 6th December.

So, here's a couple of scan pics from last week and this week.....

This is at 8 weeks and 1 day and he/she is 17mm from crown to rump...

and this is from this morning, and he/she is 25mm from crown to rump...
Nice one. My little lad's 15 months, and only seems yesterday I was in your shoes looking at the screen listening to the 'racehorse'.

BTW, can you get those 4D scans - they're really cool (was offered but had to pay £250!).
wez130 said:
he/she is 17mm from crown to rump...
I remember that from the scans my girlfriend had when she was pregnant, so small and yet everthing is there, it really is amazing to see a foetus only a few centimeters big yet all parts are there just very small.

Enjoy the pregnancy the both of you and hopefully everything goes alright and he/she is healthy :)

Do you want to know the sex of the baby before birth?
wez130 said:
thanks all, i think we might find out the sex so i can decorate a nursery for her/him.
At first my girlfriend wanted to know, I absolutely did not want to know, in the end we decided to keep it a surprise and went with neutral colours for the nursery.

When our son was born we did not even look straight away, we were just glad he was fine after a difficult birth that took too long :)
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