My Bike Build

15 Feb 2016
Well just joined up here as looks like a fun place to hang out :D

Thought I would share some pics of my bike build, now this has been a project of mine for the last three years. Ive gone a little mental with it now tbh and its turning in to quite a Frankenstein's monster now tbh..

It started life as a mint 1998 Honda Fireblade


each winter ive done a little tinkering, first winter changed the paint and added VFR800 swinging arm and GSXRK4 tail.. Got it in Practical Sports Bike, more pics



The following Winter I went a little bit mental and decided to add the RR5 1000cc Fireblade motor so sourced a new 1996 frame and started hacking around with the angle grinder to make it all fit. At this point I decided to document the build on YouTube and ended up with a 28 episode build diary

Link to EP01 here:

Bike got quite a bit of attention and had a feature in FastBike mag, couple of pics




Well this winter I wanted to do something else with it and managed to find some MotoGP RCV body work for the bike so she changing again!



So thats where she is now, I have a friend who is making some carbon body work so have just upgraded the fairing to CF to match so should end up with 100% carbon body work which will look epics!! Will keep the thread updated on how I get on but little intro for you at least :)
hehe thanks guys and thanks for the welcome :)

Im no bike mechanic i'm just a have a go Charlie and cross your fingers, just take your time and do your research and you can tackle most jobs. Its amazing the resources out there now to help. I had seen another CBR900 with the cbr1000 motor in it so I knew it was possible to fit it. Didnt know how he did it but if he managed it I was willing to try :-)

Will keep the photos coming as things progress :)
Haha thanks guys :)

Update time! I'm used an 848 race bracket which I'm modding to fit, dash fitted though on a carbon bracket

Also added an LED strip for day time running light, will do other side also

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