My Dell monitor has a problem

Make sure that your drivers are all updated. also make sure that the cables are in properly. also could try turning it off for a few mins then turn it on again. Its worked for me in the past.
That happened to my m8, it was his Videocard.

what are you running?

Looks like a specific area, so try cleaning out the PCI ports (and the pins on the card) with compressed air.
keep the monitor powered on but disconnect video cable to monitor. if you see the same issue during the monitor self test then monitor faulty. However if not the issue is with your PC/software.
keep the monitor powered on but disconnect video cable to monitor. if you see the same issue during the monitor self test then monitor faulty. However if not the issue is with your PC/software.

I tried this and the monitor still displayed interference :(
I guess my beloved dell has given up the ghost.
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