My dog died :(

5 Jan 2004
I havnt cried in years. She was such a good dog, I had her since I was 4. Is it wrong that I'm sadder about this than about when my grandma died?
i dont think it is wrong, the dog lived in your house for the past however many years, she was more there than your grandma, and comforting. rest in peace your dog, hope you're alright.
Unless your Gran lived with you, plus Grans are expected to die sooner or later.

If you have had the dog since you were 4, I understand your torment :(

Its been there everyday youve come home from School, through good and bad. I feel for you mate.

What kind of dog was it?
She was called purdy. Short for purdita, the name of the mother dog in 101 dalmations. She was an english springer spaniel, and she turned 16 in may.
sorry to hear that, it will be better in time i lost mine last year it was a horrible time
16 years thats a good age, just take solsite(sp) in the fact that she was well looked after and had a happy life!!
Oblivious said:
She had good innings then :)

She did.. she had a good life too, I think. She was happy and such a lovely creature.

I always knew this would happen eventually.. I remember when I was little my dad told me about the dog he had when he grew up (Blackie, a (black ;)) labrador), and he mentioned her death then which got me thinking. I just keep going over all my memories of her and she was always there, through friendships, girlfriends, teenage depression and all the rest. She was a good friend.

calnen said:
I havnt cried in years. She was such a good dog, I had her since I was 4. Is it wrong that I'm sadder about this than about when my grandma died?

I heard this great quotation the other day on radio 4 - sorry, don't know who said it but it ran sommut like this:

"When I feel my dogs wet nose nuzzling my hand again;
when I watch him run again.
When I talk to him again;
Then I'll know I've made it into Heaven"

Dogs are great. They're mans best friend. Period.
Sorry for your loss.
A lot of people don't understand how close a link you can have a with a pet - it becomes a member of the family really. Sorry to hear about that. :(
Sorry to hear that. Cant think what it feels like to lose a close pet, i was gutted when my uncles dog died, never mind my own :(
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