My first off :/

28 Jan 2005
Well, after 2 years of incident free riding yesterday i joined the club and had my first off :(

I ride a CBR 600 F3, have done for the last 2 years since passing my test. Im 27 years old. I went to have a look at a Honda Blackbird on an 04 plate in the week, loved the look of it but left the shop to have a think and do some more research. Well yesterday morning I went down to the shop to have another look and they said take it for a test ride.

I hopped on the bike, and headed towards home and the villages I know. It was quite overcast so didnt want to go far and was contemplating stopping in the house and getting my wet suit. Anyway..

I was in one of the local villages, travelling up a gently inclining hill, travelling about 30 mph, maybe a shade less as there were people on the pavements, odd parked car and I was on a strange bike so doing nothing silly.


There was a small white van up ahead, travelling at I would say 20 MPH, he was on the left hand side of the road, being a small hill i guess what was going through my head was he had little power in van so was slow or maybe was going to stop on side of road. There was no indicators going.

I moved out towards the middle of the road, as from the pictures below you can see there is hash lines, lots of space should I choose to overtake or him pull over and I can pass.


Then all of a sudden he is infront of me! He was turning right! No indicators, crazy road position for such a manoeuvre completely didnt see it coming. What you can see from the pics but not from being on the bike is that the road he wanted to turn into doubles back on itself, so i assume he was over on the left hand side of the road to give himself a nice wide turning circle. With no indication and a somewhat irratic turn the side of his van was directly infront of me like a wall and i had nowhere to go and no time to act.


I didnt even have time to apply any brakes, went straight into the side of the van and ended up in the red circle. I wasnt under the bike, i had come right off it, the van was creeping forward and i felt myself being run over so moved like a ninja from the back wheel it just pinching my side a bit.


I was on the floor. everything seemed ok except my balls REALLY hurt! Further details probably not much interest, but following ambulance ride and pelvis xray - im completly fine. Just bruised nads, bruised leg, knee hurts. The helmet has a large scrape on it, and leathers / gloves done their job. Few marks on leathers and on glove knuckle protector - i have no scratches / road rash at all. No breaks, very lucky!
It goes without saying, i wont be buying that bike, its a bit broken! I did love the bike though, so give it a couple of weeks then ill be looking for a blackbird :)
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Feeling a few more niggles this morning, bump on head, ache all over but nothing too bad!

Garage were really good about it actually. Dad went and got my bike from the garage this morning and they were fine. They said looks like we will be the only losers here but they are getting the blackbird repaired - they are selling it on behalf of someone! Will come back better than before but dont think i could buy a bike i had crashed. All on garages Ins so no cost to me. Im making a claim though to try and recover the cost of repair for garage but there were no witnesses who actually "saw" it happen so who knows.
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30mph and a honda blackbird? something smells.... ;) lol

glad you're ok though. :)

always take a lesson from it then it's never a bad accident. :) even if it's not your fault...

Hehe was on a road which has speed traps from time to time, and it wasnt my bike so wasnt speeding :) I had planned to open it up towards the end of the ride - didnt get that far :( Found it so easy to ride though.
Unlucky with your situation OP. For a first off sounds relatively successful, considering that everyone is ok.

Poor blackbird though :(

Bit of a risk that you took, I mean, looking at that road and having a white van man in front of you behaving slightly odd...never worth the risk as generally they don't give a ****.

Incidentally, I'm also looking at Blackbirds. Can you give a brief review of your thoughts before the crash? 04' plate so that's the new style rather than the old. Have you test ridden both or only the new?

Oh, and sorry to hear about your nuts!

Thing is, i didnt specifically plan to overtake, i mearly moved out to the middle of the road - i hadnt commited to any manover. I wasnt along side him. He simpily come across so side of the van blocked everywhere i could go. Of course in hindsight holding back to see what he was doing would have been wise but i simpily didnt see that was what he was planning and he had no indication / no idea i was even behind him which means so much for mirror signal then move - he had no due care and attention. And lets be honest, a vehicle moves to left hand side of road and nothing coming the other way most often its them moving over for you. It not like its a clear cut junction, its a small side road which both sides of that main road have for about 1/4 a mile. Anyway..

Have only rode the 1 blackbird and was really impressed. Its a big bike but its not heavy, nothing like an XJR1300 for example. I was changing gear at low revs, getting into high gears so i could cruise - it always had power which is what im looking for - to be able to just enjoy the ride and not have to be in the rev's all the time like with my CBR600. I had expected it to want to get over in the corners more than it did, but it was by no means a challange. I didnt get to open it up and really give it some but it did feel extremly quick. Safe quick not want to leap in air and kill me quick. Ride posistion was nice, screen was standard but kept wind off me.
Yeah, compared to a cbr600 you have to manhandle it a fair bit and actively counter steer more. When you boss it about it actually handles very well indeed :)

Power delivery is very linear and can be deceiving, but believe me it can get you into trouble if for a moment you forget how powerful it really is. I actually find the front wheel lifts far easier than it did on my ZX12R, despite being quite a bit slower (slower seems the wrong word but it's all relative - the 12 is another level above the Blackbird)

I have been looking for "my first big bike" for a while,planning to get one for this summer. Walking up and down the rows of bikes at the meets etc and nothing really took my fancy. As soon as i seen the blackbird though it was "want". What are the brakes like when you really want to shift the speed off?
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