My Friend Needs Help with His PC.

12 Feb 2007
Hello all, i'm posting on behalf of my friend who has a recurring problem with his computer.

His specs are:

Intel D 3.4ghz
ECS p965t-a mobo
2gb of RAM (Unknown brand).
7900 GS 512mb.
320gb HD (Again, unknown brand).
500w PSU.
Winxp 32 bit SP2

So basically the problem with his PC is that it keeps restarting when he is gaming/emulating. This does not occur when doing other thing that require a lot of CPU usage, so we ruled that one out. His PSU has enough watts, but he says it runs very hot. His Gfx card and CPU are running at normal temps. The mobo is running at a high temp, but he thinks this is a malfunction, because it varys wildly (90 degrees down to 60 in a few seconds).

So any ideas?

Sorry about the lack of detail in his spec, thats all he could tell me.

Thanks in advance.
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mp260767 said:
try running dxdiag, memtest, prime95 and 3dmark05 see if it passes through the tests without any issues.

He said he's tried dxdiag and 3dmark 05, 06 and 03. And that all works fine. =\
UPDATE: "for some reason tat isnt working, it worked pre formatting i suspect it is a software conflict or something, (btw the problem was still there pre formatting) but i can tell you what my pc components ran at when i used something else just before i formmated"

"it was 38oC for my hdd's at full load just under 50 for gfx card between 40-50 on cpu at fulll loadand the other tempreture that was locate next to the cpu temp on there was all over the place"

His exact words xD.
PhillyDee said:
I dont think TAT works with the D chips. Use Coretemp / Speedfan. (I prefer speedfan).
or everest ultimate edition if you happen to have it lol.

speed fan's temps are always a good bit off tat's.
It might still be CPU stress, run Orthos/Prime95 in various modes, for extended periods. The mode that fails (if it fails) will give a clue as to where the problem may be. Also make sure to run MemTest86 to check the RAM.
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