My girlfriend wants to stay!

30 Apr 2003
Prescot, Liverpool UK :)
My girlfriend is an American who wants to work in the UK. We are having a lot of problems finding out how to do it, and no advice to take. She has plenty of job experience working for people with disabilities, and she's also been a waitress for a long time. She only has a year of University, so she doesnt qaulify for the HSMP visa. Marriage is kind of an option, but not really because we both dont want it to be for that reason. Does anyone know how she can stay? Any advice is great!
If you love her so much, then why don't you move out to the states?
At least they have proper summers over there.
Zefan said:
There's no need for that attitude, he's just asking for advice.

for all you know the OP my not be referencing to his girlfriend, he could be trying to get some extremist suicide bomber to stay in the country. on the net, anything is possible.
Cyber-Mav said:
for all you know the OP my not be referencing to his girlfriend, he could be trying to get some extremist suicide bomber to stay in the country. on the net, anything is possible.

WTF :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Well that made me laugh....but seriously...I think she needs to find a job and it wont be a problem. Its much more of a problem if UK citizens want to go to live and work in the States (unless you want to be a gardener or something). The USA protects its high paid jobs.
Cyber-Mav said:
for all you know the OP my not be referencing to his girlfriend, he could be trying to get some extremist suicide bomber to stay in the country. on the net, anything is possible.

Lol, ooh big and clever, stay behind your keyboard it's where you belong ;)
My ex was American, from Galvaston, Texas, when she came over here to work it was the company that sorted out all the paperwork. Although, that said, I think that may have been because she was working for the US company's UK headquarters.
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