My Goldfish is poorly

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16 Jan 2003
The Gold fish my girlfriend bought for me is a little under the weather, looks like he has had a stroke or something :( He is barley swimming around and is on his side, i've took him out of his tank with the other goldfish and got him on his own in another bowl with some food but its not looking good :(

Has anyone had goldfish do this before? Have they surrvied? Or is it just his time to goto the wonderfull toilet bowl in the sky?

make sure the water you put him in is clean, isnt tap water, and is the correct Ph and Salinity, is also well oxygenated. Get some tap water, the more the better if poss........get down the pet shop and get some water treatment additives to balance the above requirements, then stick him in that if it aint to late. DONT give him any food, it will jus make the water less suitable.

He's prob either 1) old and on way out 2) overfed, fish need way less food than u think and its darn near killed him 3) got a virus/desease

Whats his fins like ? they ok ? any mold ? and white spots behind the gills ?
iCraig said:
When they swim on their backs and sides isn't that something to do with their swim-bladder?

Yeah Ive had loads that have done this and I think its irreversible :( You can help them by feeding them less amounts of food or from buying frozen bloodworms (it apparently helps to reduce the amount of trapped air)
ive got 3. twoin one tank but the other one kept getting sucked down by the filter now its on another tank it just swims at the top of the couldnt move some of its fins it seems fine now should i put it back in th other tank?
As above really. I've had a lot of goldfish in the past as well, and if they every do this, they normally die a couple of days later :(

You need to check your oxygen levels. Take a sample of the water into a pet shop and get them to test it for you.
I still remember my goldfish... had him for nearlly 6 years, i'd clean his tank out every friday as a ritual, he never had an air filter or anything on his tank, fantastic he was LOL

Before hand he was pulled out of his tank by my sisters best freind before I took him off her vile hands... :D
Sadly after my post yesterday Moby died :( He had a nice burial at sea and I toasted a few drinks to him last night.

Moby was a good goldfish I remember the times we had together and he will be missed

R.I.P my friend
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