My High Voltage Abseil (Sponsorship)

28 Mar 2005
Hi Guys,

This is the first time i have posted a thread like this, but I have just signed up to do a 100ft Abseil of The Battersea Power Station on the 19th November 2011 to help raise money for The Stroke Association!


Im not asking for much, but if you have or know anyone that has had a stroke you will know the problems and massive changes it can make to life, if this is something that has effected someone in your life please think about sponsoring me for this worthy cause!

Abseil 100ft is a big deal for me, im not to great with heights, let alone dangling over the edge of a power station. I hope i can raise my target figure of £100 (i know it may seem small, but every little helps. Plus i hope i can raise much much more)

I would be grateful for any donations that i receive!

Thanks for reading guys :)
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Will do so when I get home, Mum had a stroke while I was being born some 24 years ago, complete recovery minus a few niggles. but strokes are a horrible thing.

Best of luck.
As im trying to raise funds for Movember myself i suppose its only fair i donate to other good causes.
Had a friend who lost her mother to one, worth while cause and looks nice and high....
Will do this when i get home.

Remember if the rope snaps to flap and try aim for the water :p
As im trying to raise funds for Movember myself i suppose its only fair i donate to other good causes.
Had a friend who lost her mother to one, worth while cause and looks nice and high....
Will do this when i get home.

Remember if the rope snaps to flap and try aim for the water :p

haha thanks for that lol

ill try to remember to flap.

i think ill be fine once i've done the first bit of letting myself go over the edge!! :eek:
Thanks for all the donations this far guys!

I keep dreaming of high buildings now :( really worried about the first bit of leaning back over the edge!
Is there a safety there if I happen to let go of the rope? Or is it game over lol
I am sure you will be fine , just remeber to look down and think how far you could be falling , no worry. :D:p;)
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