My K7 gsxr 1000.

It was more about getting the right scheme that saving weight, stock cans alone and cat weigh 15kg, replaced with a 900g Racefit item though.

If I ever find a weigh bridge thing, then I'll weigh it for you lol



Looks a lot more "finished" now the fairing bits are on! Like it :) . Any more photos from a bit further away so we can see the whole bike?
The bike looks vastly better now those last panels have been fitted.
(you still ride like a tool though!)
Just wandering how much it costs to insure your bike with all the extra's compared to a standard bike. I assume you've told your insurers of the mods as they will doubtless have invalidated any insurance you had on the standard bike.
I must say that as bikes go (well carbon finished ones) that looks gorgeous! Not a fan usually but the white is picked out beautifully setting off the carbon.

Nicely done!

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