My last pc lasted 3.5 years I thought 2.5

4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
I know its not massive news but last night I stumbled across my invoice for components from OCuK dated april 2007, I had for some reason thought I built the pc early 2008.

Pretty chuffed tbh, 3.5 years is by far my longest and tbh the dual core wasn't really struggling that much. Loving the i5 at 4ghz tho.

Think that goes to reinforce the message that systems are much less CPU dependant but GPU dependant. In that time I have 2 pretty much top of the range cards (for their time) and am upgrading again now.
3 years to major (motherboard / CPU) updates is my ideal. Software development is not driving the need to upgrade as quickly nowadays. My 939 AMD dual core system lasted well and the latest update was to catch up with sata II, allowing for more and larger drive subsystems and pci-e graphics rather than outright speed.

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