My opinion of the phrase 'Touch-wood'

15 Jul 2009
Witney, Oxfordshire
I really don't like it when people use this phrase. It just shows that they have no faith in what they just said. A prime example of pessimism, which I think is pointless. Optimism for the win! :)

EDIT: Ok, I didn't mean to say that so strongly, I only think it is irritating and not getting wound up about it! *Only asking for people's viewpoint not trying to start an argument!* Thought I'd make that clear. :)
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I don't think it shows no faith, I'd say more often it shows a lack of hubris. It's acknowledging that sometimes, even for reasons outwith your control, things can go wrong and that it relies on luck/fate/whatever for it not to do so.
My girlfriend has all of a sudden decided to live by some stupid sayings that are flawed in many ways, does my nut!
I tend to only use this phrase after say someone has asked me a question for eg. "Have you ever had a filling?" "Have you ever broken your leg?" I say "no, touch wood" To me its more of a superstitious thing :)
I really don't like it when people use this phrase. It just shows that they have no faith in what they just said. A prime example of pessimism, which I think is pointless. Optimism for the win! :)

Realism for the win.
Hardly pessimism, i'd say "my car hasnt broken this week, touching wood".

More of a light hearted way of saying that its probably going to soon.
What I mean is, I think it is good to be aware of the bad possibilities and be prepared for them, but it isn't good to assume that the bad possibility will happen. That's why I like optimism, because you can still be prepared for the worst, but you can think that the good thing will happen, which will make you happier and more positive in my opinion. While pessimism on the other hand means you are prepared for the worst, but you also think that the worst always will happen, and I don't think - from my experience - that it is the right way to go about life because it makes you negative and unhappy.

The phrase 'Touch-wood' just shows that what you said you don't really believe.

Eg: 'I won't break my arm tomorrow, touch-wood'

That shows you don't really believe that you 'won't break your arm tomorrow'. Well in that case, what they really should have said is:

'I shouldn't break my arm tomorrow, but there is a chance I will.'

And besides, I didn't make this thread to start an argument, I just wanted to see if anyone else thinks that the phrase is rather irritating. And also, this is only my opinion of that phrase, I wasn't saying that that's what everyone should think. And I'm not getting wound up about it, I am just expressing my thoughts on the matter.
And besides, I didn't make this thread to start an argument, I just wanted to see if anyone else thinks that the phrase is rather irritating. And also, this is only my opinion of that phrase, I wasn't saying that that's what everyone should think. And I'm not getting wound up about it, I am just expressing my thoughts on the matter.

Well ok then, you're not getting an argument - you're just finding out that most of the people to respond so far don't agree with you. How's that for a positive spin on things? :p
semi-pro waster said:
Well ok then, you're not getting an argument - you're just finding out that most of the people to respond so far don't agree with you. How's that for a positive spin on things?

That's not a positive spin, it's just a lie. People were arguing against me as if I was trying to start an argument.

For example when simulatorman said '.... and nothing to get annoyed about. ', shows that he was trying to say that what I think is wrong - thus assuming that it is an argument - rather than simply giving his viewpoint, which was the whole point of the thread, to see other people's viewpoints. And so far no-one agrees with me! :)
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What I mean is, I think it is good to be aware of the bad possibilities and be prepared for them, but it isn't good to assume that the bad possibility will happen. That's why I like optimism, because you can still be prepared for the worst, but you can think that the good thing will happen, which will make you happier and more positive in my opinion. While pessimism on the other hand means you are prepared for the worst, but you also think that the worst always will happen, and I don't think - from my experience - that it is the right way to go about life because it makes you negative and unhappy.

The phrase 'Touch-wood' just shows that what you said you don't really believe.

Eg: 'I won't break my arm tomorrow, touch-wood'

That shows you don't really believe that you 'won't break your arm tomorrow'. Well in that case, what they really should have said is:

'I shouldn't break my arm tomorrow, but there is a chance I will.'

And besides, I didn't make this thread to start an argument, I just wanted to see if anyone else thinks that the phrase is rather irritating. And also, this is only my opinion of that phrase, I wasn't saying that that's what everyone should think. And I'm not getting wound up about it, I am just expressing my thoughts on the matter.

'I won't break my arm tomorrow, touch-wood' is a poor example because breaking your arm is often out of your control. It's not about believing it. Most people don't want to break their arm, but to believe that they're not in full control of it doesn't mean they some how want to break their arm a little bit.

For phrases that truly make no sense, look at "you can't have your cake and eat it", I understand what's trying to be said, but relating the phrase to the intended meaning is beyond stupid. There is no point in wanting cake if you're not intending to eat it. To simplify it you're basically saying "you can't want to own food and be able to eat it" That's the only purpose of food anyway...
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