my TJ07 just arrived....HOLY COW!

Nice case and hardware always wanted that case but it's way out of my price range anyway there is nothing wrong with my Akasa Eclipse which is doing the job fine at the moment.
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its pretty good for aircooling but will probably pale compared to cases like the antec 1200 and such. the air cooling is just a fill in for now untill christmas when i hope to make the jump to liquid (just limited on funding atm) and i want to watercool everything, mobo cpu gpu mosfets and basically follow a similar set up to rjikomnajhgsfygh or hwoever u spell his name :D thats one sweet build he has going there and im in love with those koolance R2E blocks!

Thanks for the reply. Looking forward to seeing the watercooled pics then! And I agree about the other guy's build, I guess you mean this thread.
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